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Update AngularJS scope from 3rd party library aynchronous callback

Hi I am trying to use import.io to scrape some football scores. I managed to get their JS to work with the API and deliver the data. The problem is it must be in a private scope inside the controller as I cannot do an ng-repeat on it.

Can anyone tell me why, and also if anyone has a good guide on Scope that would probably be more useful.

latestScores.controller('ScoresController', function ($scope) {
  $scope.pots = [];
  var io2 = new importio("XXX", "XXXXXX[API KEY]XXXXXXXX", "import.io");

    io2.connect(function (connected) {

        if (!connected) {
            console.error("Unable to connect");

        var data;

        var callback = function (finished, message) {

            if (message.type == "DISCONNECT") {
                console.error("The query was cancelled as the client was disconnected");

            if (message.type == "MESSAGE") {
                if (message.data.hasOwnProperty("errorType")) {

                    console.error("Got an error!", message.data);
                } else {
                    data = message.data.results;
            if (finished) {

                pots = data;
                console.log(pots); /* This gives me an object */
      "connectorGuids": [
    }, callback);
     console.log($scope.pots); /* This gives me nothing */
like image 458
craigie2204 Avatar asked Apr 29 '15 09:04


2 Answers

angularjs data binding cannot know when you update your scope in a callback from a third party library.

In your callback, do this:

$scope.pots = dataReceived

If you want to skip calling $scope.apply(), you need to use angular own promise module (called $q) and wrap your apis calls into a service.

Also, if your API is websocket based, you should subscribe to the $scope.on('$destroy') event to disconnect from your api when the controller is gone.

like image 57
Eloims Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


ng-repeat has it's own scope. In your case your assigning data to the local variable instead of assigning it to the scope variabe.

change this piece of code

if (finished) {

                pots = data;
                console.log(pots); /* This gives me an object */


if (finished) {

                $scope.pots = data;
                console.log($scope.pots); /* This gives me an object */
like image 27
Ritt Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
