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Update a mutable map with default value in Scala




Consider the following code that counts the frequency of each string in the list and stores the results in the mutable map. This works great, but I don't understand where the += method is defined?! Is this some weird implicit conversion thing or what? I saw this code somewhere but it didn't include an explanation for the +=.

val list = List("a", "b", "a")
val counts = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
list.foreach(counts(_) += 1)
//> res7: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(a -> 2, b -> 1)

The apply of map returns an Int, but Int doesn't have a += and this method updates the map with a new value, so it looks as if the apply returns a mutable integer that has a += method...

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frank.durden Avatar asked Jan 30 '13 13:01


2 Answers

This is not an implicit conversion - it is a desugaring. Writing:

x += 1

desugars to:

x = x + 1

if the class of x does not have a += method defined on it.

In the same way:

counts("a") += 1

desugars to:

counts("a") = counts("a") + 1

because counts("a") is an Int, and Int does not have a += method defined.

On the other hand, writing:

x(expression1) = expression2

desugars to a call to the update method in Scala:

x.update(expression1, expression2)

Every mutable Map has an update method defined - it allows setting keys in the map.

So the entire expression is desugared to:

list.foreach(x => counts.update(x, counts(x) + 1))

This += is not to be confused with the += method on mutable.Maps in Scala. That method updates the entry in the map if that key already existed, or adds a new key-value pair. It returns the this reference, that is, the same map, so you can chain += calls. See ScalaDoc or the source code.

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axel22 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09


For these moments where you wonder what compiler magic is happening in a part of your code, scalac -print is your best friend (see this question).

If you do a scalac -print C.scala where C.scala is

package test

class C {
    def myMethod() {
        val counts = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
        counts("a") += 1

you get

package test {
  class C extends Object {
    def myMethod(): Unit = {
      val counts: collection.mutable.Map = new collection.mutable.HashMap().withDefaultValue(scala.Int.box(0));
      counts.update("a", scala.Int.box(scala.Int.unbox(counts.apply("a")).+(1)))
    def <init>(): test.C = {

It came as a surprise for me also, but apparently scalac will transform

map(key) =<op> rhs


map.update(key, map.apply(key) <op> rhs)
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Marius Danila Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09

Marius Danila