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Up Down arrow is not coming for firefox of tagfield component

I found one very weird bug in extJS tag field. After using tagfild I am not able to see up-down arrow of field to see selected componet in tagfield.

I created a fiddler, please open fiddler in chrome and firefox and see the difference.

Here is the link for fiddle. Fiddle Red circle in image is what I am asking for in firefox. enter image description here

Can anybody give me some idea.

like image 375
David Avatar asked Jul 25 '17 11:07


1 Answers

Change your growMax property from 5 to 35 and it should be fixed.

  Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
  renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
  title: 'Sci-Fi Television',
  height: 200,
  width: 300,

  items: [{
      xtype: 'tagfield',
      fieldLabel: 'Select a Show',
      store: shows,
      displayField: 'show',
      valueField: 'id',
      growMax  : 35,
      queryMode: 'local',
      filterPickList: true,



It is not possible for Firefox to draw scrollbars when the size of the element height is smaller than 34 pixels.

I've tried Safari and Chrome for MacOS and they also don't show the scrollbar in the example you posted.

You can see the scrollbars in the screenshot as soon as the height of the element changes to a value equal or greater than 34 pixels, once it drops below that value (33px in the picture #2) is not longer being shown. enter image description here

enter image description here

I hope this helps to solve your problem.

like image 68
overlordhammer Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10
