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__unused Flag Behavior/Usage (GCC with Objective-C)

I just now learned about the __unused flag that can be used when compiling with GCC and the more I learn about it, the more questions I have...

Why does this compile without warning/error? It seems strange that I specifically tell the compiler I won't be using a variable, then when I use it, things proceed as normal.

- (void)viewDidLoad {     [super viewDidLoad];      [self foo:0]; }  - (void)foo:(NSInteger)__unused myInt {     myInt++;     NSLog(@"myInt: %d", myInt);  // Logs '1' } 

Also, what is the difference between the following two method signatures?

- (void)foo:(NSInteger)__unused myInt;  - (void)foo:(NSInteger)myInt __unused; 
like image 616
MikeS Avatar asked Nov 01 '13 22:11


1 Answers

The __unused macro (which is in fact expanded to the __attribute__((unused)) GCC attribute) only tells the compiler "don't warn me if I don't use this variable".

unused: This attribute, attached to a variable, means that the variable is meant to be possibly unused. GCC does not produce a warning for this variable. (Source: gnu.gcc.org doc)

So this GCC attribute is to avoid a warning when you don't use a variable, and NOT to trigger one when you use the variable you claimed unused.

As regard to putting the attribute before or after the variable name in your last example, both are accepted and equivalent in your case: the compiler is just lenient about that placement for compatibility purposes (quite as you can also write both const int i or int const i)

For compatibility with existing code written for compiler versions that did not implement attributes on nested declarators, some laxity is allowed in the placing of attributes (Source: gnu.gcc.org doc)

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AliSoftware Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10
