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unsure about .on() method

I was using the $.click() method for triggering some events. But then I needed to set some events for some HTML elements before the elements were declared. Let's take this as an example:

    $('div.hide').click(function() {
        $('div.hide').css({'display' : 'none'});
<div class="hide">some text</div>

The downside is that when setting the .click() method, the div.hide elements doesn't exist, so no trigger is set.

So I turned to the .on() method, like so:

    $('div.hide').on('click', function() {
        $('div.hide').css({'display' : 'none'});
<div class="hide">some text</div>

But this also doesn't work. I thought calling .on() would make all existent and future div.hide elements trigger the 'click' function().

I managed to get past this inconvenience, but for my own knowledge I'd like to know what was I doing wrong. Is there no way to assign a trigger to future HTML elements?

My solituion was:

    $(document).ready( function() {
        $('div.hide').click(function() {
            $('div.hide').css({'display' : 'none'});
<div class="hide">some text</div>
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Sorin Buturugeanu Avatar asked Jun 11 '12 15:06

Sorin Buturugeanu

1 Answers

You missed the three-argument version:

$('body').on('click', 'div.hide', function() { ... });

That puts the handler on the <body> but it catches the events that bubble and invokes the handler when the target element matches the selector (the second argument).

The handler doesn't have to go on the <body>; it can be any parent container element of your <div>.

The "on" method replaces the older "live" and "delegate" methods, as well as "bind" itself.

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Pointy Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10
