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Unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' [duplicate]

People also ask

How do you fix an unsupported operand type?

The Python "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'int'" occurs when we try to use the division / operator with a string and a number. To solve the error, convert the string to an int or a float , e.g. int(my_str) / my_num .

What does unsupported operand type S for +: int and list?

The Python "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list'" occurs when we try to use the addition (+) operator with a number and a list. To solve the error, figure out where the variable got assigned a list and correct the assignment, or access a specific value in the list.

You're trying to concatenate a string and an integer, which is incorrect.

Change print(numlist.pop(2)+" has been removed") to any of these:

Explicit int to str conversion:

print(str(numlist.pop(2)) + " has been removed")

Use , instead of +:

print(numlist.pop(2), "has been removed")

String formatting:

print("{} has been removed".format(numlist.pop(2)))


str_list = " ".join([str(ele) for ele in numlist])

this statement will give you each element of your list in string format

print("The list now looks like [{0}]".format(str_list))


change print(numlist.pop(2)+" has been removed") to

print("{0} has been removed".format(numlist.pop(2)))

as well.