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Unspecified error during copy process [closed]



has anyone made experience with a unspecified error during copy big (2-3GB) files to the local hyper-v machine? My machine has in any case enough memory and space. The error comes quite suddenly during the copy process. Where can I get specific error details? There is nothing in my Windows Event logger :-/

Best regards

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Patrik Avatar asked Jan 25 '15 13:01


Video Answer

3 Answers

Copying files larger than 2 GB over a Remote Desktop Services or a Terminal Services session through Clipboard Redirection (copy and paste) is not supported. Please check https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2258090

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Md. Mizanur Rahman Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

Md. Mizanur Rahman

RDP transfers files through your clipboard. Copying something while the transfer is taking place (which is particularly easy in a large file transfer, because you probably want to do something else as it is happening, and copying things is a very common operation) fails the entire thing with an unspecified error.

If it's possible to you, consider using drive redirection, as it is much faster and resilient to this.

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zneak Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09


It happens for me when I try to copy some other text or file when a large file is being copied over Remote desktop services whereas in local machine, it allows parallel copy.

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Naveen Prabu Selvaraj Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09

Naveen Prabu Selvaraj