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unnecessary normalization

My friend and I are building a website and having a major disagreement. The core of the site is a database of comments about 'people.' Basically people can enter comment and they can enter the person the comment is about. Then viewers can search the database for words that are in the comment or parts of the person name. It is completely user generated. For example, if someone wants to post a comment on a mispelled version of a person's name, they can, and that's OK. So there may be multiple spellings of different people listed as several different entries (some with middle name, some with nickname, some mispelled, etc.), but this is all OK. We don't care if people make comments about random people or imaginary people.

Anyway, the issue is about how we are structuring the database. Right now it is just one table with the comment ID as the primary key, and then there is a field for the 'person' the comment is about:

comment ID - comment - person

1 - "he is weird" - John Smith

2 - "smelly girl" - Jenny

3 - "gay" - John Smith

4 - "owes me $20" - Jennyyyyyyyyy

Everything is working fine. Using the database, I am able to create pages that list all the 'comments' for a particular 'person.' However, he is obsessed that the database isn't normalized. I read up on normalization and learned that he was wrong. The table IS currently normalized, because the comment ID is unique and dictates the 'comment' and the 'person.' Now he is insistant that 'person' should have it's OWN table because it is a 'thing.' I don't think it is necessary, because even though 'person' really is the bigger container (one 'person' can have many 'comments' about them), the database seems to operate just fine with 'person' being an attribute of the comment ID. I use various PHP calls for different SQL selections to make it magically appear more sophisticated on the output and the different way the user can search and see results, but in reality, the set-up is quite simple. I am now letting users rank comments with thumbs up and thumbs down, and I keep a 'score' as another field on the same table.

I feel that there is currently no need to have a separate table for just unique 'person' entries because the 'persons' don't have their own 'score' or any of their own attributes. Only the comments do. My friend is so insistant that it is necessary for efficiency. Finally I said, "OK, if you want me to create a separate table and let 'person' be it's own field, then what would be the second field? Because if a table has just a single column, it seems pointless. I agree that we may later create a need to give 'person' it's own table, but we can deal with that then." He then said that strings can't be primary keys, and that we would convert the 'persons' in the current table to numbers, and the numbers would be the primary key in the new 'person' table. To me this seems unnecessary and it would make the current table harder to read. He also thinks it will be impossible to create the second table later, and that we need to anticipate now that we might need it for something later.

Who is right?

like image 764
jason yanofski Avatar asked Sep 10 '10 15:09

jason yanofski

1 Answers

In my opinion your friend is right.

Person should live in a different table and you should try to normalize. Don't overdo-it, though.

In the long run you may want to do more things with your site, say you want to attach multiple files to a person (ie. pictures) you'll be very thankfull then for the normalization.

like image 106
Frankie Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
