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Unload / Release / Remove React Native View from runtime

I am creating a App that uses React Native in some part, but not all.

I have an instance of RCTRootView

Setting it to nil and removing it from the superview doesn't seem to release it.

The CPU and RAM stays high, so it seems the React app stills executing on the threads.

How can I stop it?

Thanks :)

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Gaston Morixe Avatar asked Dec 08 '15 23:12

Gaston Morixe

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2 Answers

RCTBridge * bridge
[bridge invalidate];
bridge = nil;

invalidate and nil will clear all modules from jsbundle and it clears RCTRootView instances from memory . Note bridge is object of RCTBridge.

like image 147
Shashi3456643 Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09


You have to create your own RTCBridge separately and release it ( = nil), not only the view.

like image 30
Gaston Morixe Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Gaston Morixe