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unity doesn't show preview



My question is quite simple. I am learning Unity and watching a tutorial about making a 2D game.

In the tutorial, there is a Preview section at the bottom right corner. But in my Unity, there is nothing there. There is Inspector on the right and below of Add Component there is nothing.

Can anyone explain to me how can I activate that part? Thanks in advance!

This is what I want: enter image description here

like image 553
kalahari Avatar asked Dec 01 '14 23:12


1 Answers

This preview box is for resources. It shows a preview of the resource. To get this to show up you must click on one of your resources(Like an image).

Preview box

However when you do not have a resource selected it will not show up

Preview box does not show when nothing is selected

like image 84
Noah Huppert Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 08:11

Noah Huppert