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Unity camera not moving

I'm trying to get started with Google Tango for Unity by following this tutorial: https://developers.google.com/project-tango/apis/unity/unity-prefab-motion-tracking

But when I build and run my project, the gyroscope doesn't seem to work and the camera doesn't respond.

I'm using Unity 4.6.7.

Any suggestions?

like image 353
Mister Happy Avatar asked Oct 20 '22 02:10

Mister Happy

1 Answers

All of the samples have worked for me without issue in unity 5.1.3f1 personal.

you could try connecting adb logcat and observe for errors during execution.

find ADB.exe in the android SDK directory

from a command prompt run it with the parameters 'adb.exe logcat -c' to clear the logfile, then again without the -c and watch for errors.

like image 155
MattKimball Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10
