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Unit testing higher order functions in F#

Take the following F# example:

let parse mapDate mapLevel mapMessge (groups : string list) = 
        DateTime = 
                groups.[2] |> Int32.Parse, 
                groups.[0] |> Int32.Parse, 
                groups.[1] |> Int32.Parse)
        Level = mapLevel groups.[3]
        Message = mapMessge  groups.[4]

I can unit test the map functions independently that's ok, but how do I unit test that this function calls the functions passed in as arguments correctly?

In C# I would use mocks and verify the calls to them. I recently watched a pluralsight video that talked about how functional languages tend to use stubs instead of mocks. Here I could pass in a function that throws if it doesn't get the expected arguments but I'm not really sold on this approach.

I was just wondering if there were any patterns in functional programming in general for unit testing higher-order functions like this?

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Connel Avatar asked Mar 19 '17 21:03


1 Answers

Well, let me disagree with given answer. Actually, there is a nice way to test higher order functions without even bothering about concrete types they might take (I consider typical HOF to be totally generic, however there is no difference: approach I suggest will work with more strict HFO rightly).

Let's take something really simple, something everyone is familiar with. How about ['t] -> ['t] function? It takes a single argument - a list of whatever type and returns list of the same type. Traditional OOP approach wouldn't work here: one need's to put a restriction on 't and test somewhat specific parameters of that type; the only way to make author to feel more confident with his implementation, is to increase unit tests numbers.

There is really great stuff named "category theory" in math. It's comparatively new filed of mathematics and studies things from the outside rather from than inside. In order to be able to describe things "from the outside" you need take a thing you're interested in and force it to interact with something you already know deep enough. Thus, category theory teaches to describe things in terms of their interrelations with other things. Can't we do the same here?..

Indeed, we can. That's actually quite easy: we got a f : ['t] -> ['t] already, but is there anything else such that we could make both interact and define something common - something that holds for each and every interaction regardless of any other factors? Let's take any g: 't -> 'y. Now we able to state: g (List.head (f ...) = List.head (List.map g (f ...)). I assume a certain argument of type ['t] to substitute .... Please note: given property is universal: it would hold for any pure functions composition of specified signatures regardless of their implementation. Also note how generic yet obvious it is: there are only two distinct "objects" interacting with each other via "composition", which could also be rewritten in terms of standard F#'s (|>), (<|) operators.

Now the fact is that for any higher order (pure) function there exists such kind of universal property; mostly, there are dozens of them. Thus one able to specify their properties in terms of composition (which is regular for FP) staying at the generic level. Having such a properties in the explicit form gives one chance to autogenerate hundreds of tests, based on inputs different not only by their values (which normally done by unit tests, except the fact they are rarely autogenerated), but also by types.

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Zazeil Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09
