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Unit testing Domain model objects

In our Core domain model design, we have got a class called "Category" whose constructor is internal by design. Since the constructor is internal, when writing unit test cases I won't be able to create the object of "Category".

So my question, is it a best practice to make the constructor public just for making the "Category" class testable? Or I shouldn't be testing that "Category", instead I should have tested the Class/method responsible for creating this object?



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Rajeesh Avatar asked Mar 02 '10 11:03


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1 Answers

Don't make the constructor public only for the sake of unit tests. If from a design point you decided that it should be internal, leave it that way. Test the classes that invoke this constructor.

In .NET there's the InternalsVisibleToAttribute which allows you to expose internal members to unit tests.

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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Darin Dimitrov