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Unit testing async void event handler


I have implemented the MVP (MVC) pattern in c# winforms.

My View and Presenter are as follows (without all the MVP glue):

public interface IExampleView
    event EventHandler<EventArgs> SaveClicked;
    string Message {get; set; }

public partial class ExampleView : Form
    public event EventHandler<EventArgs> SaveClicked;

    string Message { 
        get { return txtMessage.Text; } 
        set { txtMessage.Text = value; } 

    private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (SaveClicked != null) SaveClicked.Invoke(sender, e);

public class ExamplePresenter
    public void OnLoad()
        View.SaveClicked += View_SaveClicked;

    private async void View_SaveClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        await Task.Run(() => 
            // Do save

        View.Message = "Saved!"

I am using MSTest for unit testing, along with NSubstitute for mocking. I want to simulate a button click in the view to test the controller's View_SaveClicked code as have the following:

public void WhenSaveButtonClicked_ThenSaveMessageShouldBeShown()
    // Arrange

    // Act
    View.SaveClicked += Raise.EventWith(new object(), new EventArgs());

    // Assert
    Assert.AreEqual("Saved!", View.Message);

I am able to raise the View.SaveClicked successfully using NSubstitute's Raise.EventWith. However, the problem is that code immediately proceeds to the Assert before the Presenter has had time to save the message and the Assert fails.

I understand why this is happening and have managed to get around it by adding a Thread.Sleep(500) before the Assert, but this is less than ideal. I could also update my view to call a presenter.Save() method instead, but I would like the View to be Presenter agnostic as much as possible.

So would like to know I can improve the unit test to either wait for the async View_SaveClicked to finish or change the View/Presenter code to allow them to be unit tested easier in this situation.

Any ideas?

like image 858
Langers Avatar asked Jun 16 '16 11:06


People also ask

Can event handlers be async?

NET events do not support async Task as a result type! Instead, you have to cast event handlers as async void if you want to run async code inside of an event handler method and to comply with the classic . NET event delegate signature.

Can unit tests be async?

Async unit tests that return Task have none of the problems of async unit tests that return void. Async unit tests that return Task enjoy wide support from almost all unit test frameworks. MSTest added support in Visual Studio 2012, NUnit in versions 2.6. 2 and 2.9.

What is asynchronous testing?

Asynchronous code doesn't execute directly within the current flow of code. This might be because the code runs on a different thread or dispatch queue, in a delegate method, or in a callback, or because it's a Swift function marked with async . XCTest provides two approaches for testing asynchronous code.

What is async await in C#?

An async keyword is a method that performs asynchronous tasks such as fetching data from a database, reading a file, etc, they can be marked as “async”. Whereas await keyword making “await” to a statement means suspending the execution of the async method it is residing in until the asynchronous task completes.

1 Answers

Since you are just concerned about unit testing, then you can use a custom SynchronizationContext, which allows you to detect the completion of async void methods.

You can use my AsyncContext type for this:

public void WhenSaveButtonClicked_ThenSaveMessageShouldBeShown()
  // Arrange

  AsyncContext.Run(() =>
    // Act
    View.SaveClicked += Raise.EventWith(new object(), new EventArgs());

  // Assert
  Assert.AreEqual("Saved!", View.Message);

However, it's best to avoid async void in your own code (as I describe in an MSDN article on async best practices). I have a blog post specifically about a few approaches on "async event handlers".

One approach is to replace all EventHandler<T> events with plain delegates, and call it via await:

public Func<Object, EventArgs, Task> SaveClicked;
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (SaveClicked != null) await SaveClicked(sender, e);

This is less pretty if you want a real event, though:

public delegate Task AsyncEventHandler<T>(object sender, T e);
public event AsyncEventHandler<EventArgs> SaveClicked;
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
  if (SaveClicked != null)
    await Task.WhenAll(
          .Select(x => x(sender, e)));

With this approach, any synchronous event handlers would need to return Task.CompletedTask at the end of the handler.

Another approach is to extend the EventArgs with a "deferral". This is also not pretty, but is more idiomatic for asynchronous event handlers.

like image 152
Stephen Cleary Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Stephen Cleary