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Unit testing Anti-patterns catalogue

Second Class Citizens - test code isn't as well refactored as production code, containing a lot of duplicated code, making it hard to maintain tests.

The Free Ride / Piggyback -- James Carr, Tim Ottinger
Rather than write a new test case method to test another/distinct feature/functionality, a new assertion (and its corresponding actions i.e. Act steps from AAA) rides along in an existing test case.

Happy Path

The test stays on happy paths (i.e. expected results) without testing for boundaries and exceptions.

JUnit Antipatterns

The Local Hero

A test case that is dependent on something specific to the development environment it was written on in order to run. The result is the test passes on development boxes, but fails when someone attempts to run it elsewhere.

The Hidden Dependency

Closely related to the local hero, a unit test that requires some existing data to have been populated somewhere before the test runs. If that data wasn’t populated, the test will fail and leave little indication to the developer what it wanted, or why… forcing them to dig through acres of code to find out where the data it was using was supposed to come from.

Sadly seen this far too many times with ancient .dlls which depend on nebulous and varied .ini files which are constantly out of sync on any given production system, let alone extant on your machine without extensive consultation with the three developers responsible for those dlls. Sigh.

Chain Gang

A couple of tests that must run in a certain order, i.e. one test changes the global state of the system (global variables, data in the database) and the next test(s) depends on it.

You often see this in database tests. Instead of doing a rollback in teardown(), tests commit their changes to the database. Another common cause is that changes to the global state aren't wrapped in try/finally blocks which clean up should the test fail.