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Unit testing a class with no return value?

I didn't find much in tutorials on this specific question..

So I have a class called 'Job' which has public ctors and a single public Run() function. Everything in the class is private and encapsulated in the class. (You may remember an older post here on this Testing only the public method on a mid sized class?, which replies helped me greatly)

This Run() method does a bunch of things - takes an excel file as input, extracts data out of it, sends a request to a third party data vendor, takes the result and puts it in the database and logs the begining / end of the job.

This Job class uses 3 seperate interfaces / classes inside it's run method, (IConnection will connect to the third party vendor and send the request, IParser will parse the results, and IDataAccess will save the results to the database). So now, the only real logic inside my Run() method is extracting out the excel input and sending it down the chain of the other classes. I created 3 mock classes and use DI on the Job class ctor and everything is fine and dandy...

Except - I'm still a little lost on how the heck to test my Run() method - because it's void and doesn't return anything...

In this case, should I add a return value to the Run() method that returns how many records were extracted from the Excel file? Since this is the only logic done in that function now.. this wouldn't be handled in real code, but would be in the unit tests... which seems a bit smelly to me - but i'm a newb as far as true TDD is concerned...

Second question - should I created a fourth class called IExcelExtractor, which does that logic for me? Or is this a bit of class explosion??

Even if I did the latter, how would I test my Run() function if it returns void and all of its work is being carried out by mocked objects which really do nothing? I could understand if my function had a meaningful return value... but in this case I'm a but confused.

Thanks so much for reading through all this if you made it this far.

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dferraro Avatar asked Oct 22 '09 13:10


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A test is not a unit-test if: it communicates with a database. it cannot run in parallel with other tests. uses the "environment" like registry or file system.

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Unit testing ensures that all code meets quality standards before it's deployed. This ensures a reliable engineering environment where quality is paramount. Over the course of the product development life cycle, unit testing saves time and money, and helps developers write better code, more efficiently.

2 Answers

What you're describing is often called behavior verification (as opposed to state verification). It's got its proponents and detractors, but for several categories of classes it's the only game in town if you want to unit test.

To unit test a class whose behavior is limited to interacting with collaborators, you typically pass mock collaborator objects that are instrumented in a way that allows you to verify their methods have been called in the way you expect.

If you were to do this by hand (yuck!) for the classes you mentioned in your question, you might create a MockParser class that implements IParser and adds properties that record if and how its methods were called.

It's better to use mocking framework that will create the mocks on the fly, specify expections on them, and verify those expectations.

I've been using NMock2 these days, and the tests look something like this:

// 'mockery' is the central framework object and Mock object factory IParser mockParser   = mockery.NewMock<IParser>();  // Other dependencies omitted Job     job          = new Job(mockParser);  // This just ensures this method is called so the return value doesn't matter Expect.Once.On(mockParser).     .Method("Parse").     .WithAnyArguments().     .Will(Return.Value(new object()));  job.Run(); mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); 
like image 59
Jeff Sternal Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Jeff Sternal

When you inject a mock, you pass to the Run class's constructor a test class that you will ask if the test passed. For example, you could test that the IParser mock got the correct request given the excel file you passed in the constructor. You can do this via your own class, and collect the results in it and test what it collected, or you could do this via a mocking framework that gives you ways of expressing such testing without constructing a class.

I see that you tagged your question with tdd, but in true tdd you don't really get this question (you do, but asked differently) because you build the test first, which defines the interface, instead of building the class interface and then thinking how are you going to test this thing. The need to test drives the design. You still use the same techniques (and likely end up with the same design in this case), but the question would have come out a bit different.

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Yishai Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
