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Unique Computational value for an array

I have been thinking of it but have ran out of idea's. I have 10 arrays each of length 18 and having 18 double values in them. These 18 values are features of an image. Now I have to apply k-means clustering on them.

For implementing k-means clustering I need a unique computational value for each array. Are there any mathematical or statistical or any logic that would help me to create a computational value for each array, which is unique to it based upon values inside it. Thanks in advance.

Here is my array example. Have 10 more

like image 529
DarkHorse Avatar asked Mar 12 '14 05:03


People also ask

What is a unique value in an array?

You can find the distinct values in an array using the Distinct function. The Distinct function takes the array as an input parameter and returns another array that consists only of the unique, or non-duplicate, elements. The following example shows how to find the distinct values in an array.

How do you find unique values in an array?

We can use bitwise AND to find the unique element in O(n) time and constant extra space. Create an array count[] of size equal to number of bits in binary representations of numbers. Fill count array such that count[i] stores count of array elements with i-th bit set. Form result using count array.

How do you create a unique array?

var ar = [10,7,8,3,4,7,6]; function isin(n,a){ for (var i=0;i<a. length;i++){ if (a[i]== n) { var b = true; return b; } else { var c = false; return c; } } } function unique(a){ var arr = []; for (var i=0;i<a.

What is the fastest way to find unique elements in an array?

What is the fastest way to find unique elements in an array? By using hashing There is another way to get the distinct element from the array, i.e., hashing. By using the hashing, we can get a distinct element in O(n). We traverse the array from which we want to get the distinct element.

1 Answers

Did you checked the Arrays.hashcode in Java 7 ?

 * Returns a hash code based on the contents of the specified array.
 * For any two <tt>double</tt> arrays <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt>
 * such that <tt>Arrays.equals(a, b)</tt>, it is also the case that
 * <tt>Arrays.hashCode(a) == Arrays.hashCode(b)</tt>.
 * <p>The value returned by this method is the same value that would be
 * obtained by invoking the {@link List#hashCode() <tt>hashCode</tt>}
 * method on a {@link List} containing a sequence of {@link Double}
 * instances representing the elements of <tt>a</tt> in the same order.
 * If <tt>a</tt> is <tt>null</tt>, this method returns 0.
 * @param a the array whose hash value to compute
 * @return a content-based hash code for <tt>a</tt>
 * @since 1.5
public static int hashCode(double a[]) {
    if (a == null)
        return 0;

    int result = 1;
    for (double element : a) {
        long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(element);
        result = 31 * result + (int)(bits ^ (bits >>> 32));
    return result;

I dont understand why @Marco13 mentioned " this is not returning unquie for arrays".


See @Macro13 comment for the reason why it cannot be unquie..


If we draw a graph using your input points, ( 18 elements) has one spike and 3 low values and the pattern goes.. if that is true.. you can find the mean of your Peak ( 1, 4, 8,12,16 ) and find the low Mean from remaining values.

So that you will be having Peak mean and Low mean . and you find the unquie number to represent these two also preserve the values using bijective algorithm described in here

This Alogirthm also provides formulas to reverse i.e take the Peak and Low mean from the unquie value.

To find unique pair < x; y >= x + (y + ( (( x +1 ) /2) * (( x +1 ) /2) ) )

Also refer Exercise 1 in pdf page 2 to reverse x and y.

For finding Mean and find paring value.

public static double mean(double[] array){
    double peakMean = 0;
    double lowMean = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
        if ( (i+1) % 4 == 0 || i == 0){
            peakMean = peakMean + array[i];
            lowMean = lowMean + array[i];
    peakMean = peakMean / 5;
    lowMean = lowMean / 13;
    return bijective(lowMean, peakMean);

public static double bijective(double x,double y){
    double tmp = ( y +  ((x+1)/2));
    return x +  ( tmp * tmp);

for test

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double[] arrays = {0.07518284315321135,0.002963866526639678,0.002526139418225552,0.07444872939213325,0.0037219653347541617,0.0036979802877177715,0.0017920256571474585,0.07499695903867931,0.003477831820276616,0.003477831820276616,0.002036159171625004,0.07383539747505984,0.004311312204791184,0.0043352972518275745,0.0011786937400740452,0.07353130134299131,0.004339580295941216};

You can use this the peak and low values to find the similar images.

like image 135
Mani Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 00:10
