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Union-Find or DFS: which one is better to find connected component?


Union-Find and DFS could be both used to find connectivity. Which one is better in which condition?

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Peterxwl Avatar asked Feb 08 '15 19:02


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1 Answers

The union-find algorithm is best suited for situations where the equivalence relationship is changing, i.e., there are "Union" operations which need to be performed on your set of partitions. Given a fixed undirected graph, you don't have the equivalence relationships changing at all - the edges are all fixed. OTOH, if you have a graph with new edges being added, DFS won't cut it. While DFS is asymptotically faster than union-find, in practice, the likely deciding factor would be the actual problem that you are trying to solve.

tl;dr - Static graph? DFS! Dynamic graph? Union-find!

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Pradhan Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
