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Uniform HTML templating language

It seems like every web framework has its own pet template language. Ruby has eRuby, Python's django uses the Django template language, Haskell has Heist and Hamlet, Java's got JSP, and then there's PHP...

My question is, has anyone tried creating One Templating Language to Rule Them All? Are there any such templating languages that at least have some widespread support amongst the varying web frameworks?

like image 964
Dan Burton Avatar asked Mar 27 '11 06:03

Dan Burton

People also ask

What is HTML templating language?

The purpose of HTML Template Language (HTL), supported by Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), is to offer a highly productive enterprise-level web framework that increases security, and allows HTML developers without Java knowledge to better participate in AEM projects.

Is PHP a templating language?

PHP is not a template engine, but a language that can be used to write templates, or template engines.

Is react a templating language?

Conclusion. There are many other advantages to using a framework like React as a templating engine / static site generator. Combined with a modular design approach, and taking advantage of all its complexity and power, it allows us to improve both our code and the contribution process.

2 Answers

Mustache maybe.

like image 172
Andy Ford Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10

Andy Ford

XSLT might be a candidate as a "universal" template language.

It might also be the greatest evil that this land has ever seen, but that's up for debate.

like image 30
Charles Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 17:10
