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Unified Memory profiling failed

I am trying to profile cuda code on Ubuntu 16.04 having Cuda 8.0 but it is returning "Unable to profile application. Unified Memory profiling failed". I tried profiling from terminal and also from Nisght Eclipe. Code is compiling and running but not is not able to get profiled.


cusparseHandle_t handle;

//set the parameters
const int n_i = 10;
const int d = 18;
const int n_t = 40;
const int n_tau = 2;
const int n_k = 10;

float *data = generate_matrix3_1(d, n_i, n_t);
//float* data = get_data1(d, n_i,n_t);
float* a = generate_matrix3_1(n_i,n_k,n_tau);
float* b = sparse_generate_matrix1(n_k,d,0.5);
float* c = sparse_generate_matrix1(n_k,d,0.5);

float* previous_a = generate_matrix3_1(n_i,n_k,n_tau);
float* previous_b = sparse_generate_matrix1(n_k,d,0.1);
float* previous_c = sparse_generate_matrix1(n_k,d,0.1);

// calculate norm of data
float norm_data = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n_i; i++)
    for (int t = n_tau; t < n_t; t++)
        for (int p = 0; p < d; p++)
            norm_data = norm_data + ((data[p*n_i*n_t + i*n_t + t])*(data[p*n_i*n_t + i*n_t + t]));

// set lambda and gamma parameter
float lambda = 0.0001;
float gamma_a = 2;
float gamma_b = 3;
float gamma_c = 4;

float updated_t = 1;
float updated_t1 = 0;

float rel_error = 0;
int loop = 1;
float objective = 0;

// create sparse format for the data
float **h_data = new float*[1];
int **h_data_RowIndices = new int*[1];
int **h_data_ColIndices = new int*[1];
int nnz_data = create_sparse_MY(data,d,n_i*n_t,h_data,h_data_RowIndices,h_data_ColIndices);

// transfer sparse data to device memory
int *d_data_RowIndices;  (cudaMalloc(&d_data_RowIndices, (d+1) * sizeof(int)));
(cudaMemcpy(d_data_RowIndices, h_data_RowIndices[0], (d+1) * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
int *d_data_ColIndices;  (cudaMalloc(&d_data_ColIndices, nnz_data * sizeof(int)));
(cudaMemcpy(d_data_ColIndices, h_data_ColIndices[0], (nnz_data) * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

Command for compiling the code-

nvcc -lcusparse main.cu -o hello.out


nvprof -o prof ./hello.out


==13621== NVPROF is profiling process 13621, command: ./hello.out ======== Error: unified memory profiling failed.

Can someone help me with it?

like image 432
newbie Avatar asked Oct 10 '16 16:10


2 Answers

had the same misleading error, just had to run the profiler with root privileges, e.g. sudo nvprof or sudo nvvp.

like image 86
Stefan Hobeditz Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 22:10

Stefan Hobeditz

I suffers the same error. But the error remains even I add sudo privilege. The terminal returns sudo: nvprof: command not found.

Try this command, it works for me. nvprof --unified-memory-profiling off /hello.out

like image 45
yan zhang Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 23:10

yan zhang