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Unicorn do not close DB connections

I am using rails 3.2 + unicorn + postgres DB and i have a question - how does unicorn handle DB connections ?

How I understand:

  1. unicorn master process forks X child process.
  2. each child process setup DB connection– close in before_fork, establish connection in after_fork.
  3. we use connection per process(if we use rails DB connection pooling, we create Y(from database.yml) DB connections per process) - i.e. If process is working(It always works until we not kill it) we keep connection opened and every web request use the same connection(that was opened in after_fork).
  4. opened connections will be shown in postgres(or any other DB) as idle or active.

Is it correct or I missed something ?

like image 237
Dzmitry Avatar asked Mar 27 '13 14:03


1 Answers

Yes you are right. If you set "worker_processes 5" in unicorn.conf, and "pool: 4" in database.yml, will be create d 20 connections to database.

like image 164
Alexander Randa Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Alexander Randa