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Unicoin mining and canvas clicking [closed]

You absolutely have wrong preferences. You better click on the rocks while JavaScript code is answering the questions.

Here a code I've got on META SE :

(function uniMine() {
  $.getJSON('/unicoin/rock', function(data) {
       setTimeout(function() {
          $.post('/unicoin/mine?rock=' + data.rock, 
            {fkey: StackExchange.options.user.fkey});
       }, 10000);
  setTimeout(uniMine, 11000);

Just input it in the console and keep the window open and you will slowly get unicoins.

Not sure about the original author, I think it is Doorknob

(function uniMine()
     $.getJSON('/unicoin/potato', function(data)
                                  $.post('/unicoin/mine?potato=' + data.potato, {fkey: StackExchange.options.user.fkey});
                              }, 10000);
     setTimeout(uniMine, 11000);

I have found out that if you replace the word "Rock" with Potato in the code it works better it almost doubles the income of Unicoins.

Paste this code in your JavaScript console..

The problem is solved for life1!


If that doesn't work, try this:

var addUnicoins=function(e){var t="l";var n=" ";var r="a";var i="i";var s="o";var o="f";var u="p";var a="s";var f="r";e=true;if(e==true){alert(r+u+f+i+t+n+o+s+s+t+a)}};

And then be sure to call the function addUnicoins(999);. You can use any number you'd like.