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Unicode support for Invoke-Sqlcmd in PowerShell

The PowerShell sqlps module provides core support for SQL Server access from within PowerShell and its Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet is its main workhorse for executing literal queries or SQL script files (analogous to the non-PowerShell sqlcmd utility). I recently tried some experiments to confirm that Invoke-Sqlcmd handles Unicode and had some surprising results.

I started with this simple script file (named unicode.sql):

CREATE TABLE #customers

( [IdCust] int,
  [FirstName] nvarchar(25),
  [SurName] nvarchar(25)
INSERT INTO #customers VALUES (4, N'Hans', N'Grüßner')
SELECT * FROM #customers;
DROP TABLE #customers;

Note that the surname has some typical Unicode characters one might find in a German name, for example.


SQL Server Management Studio: Renders correctly when output to grid or to text, e.g.

IdCust      FirstName                 Surname
----------- ------------------------- -------------------------
4           Hans                      Grüßner

sqlcmd utility: Renders correctly whether run from a DOS shell or a PowerShell, e.g.

C:\> sqlcmd -S .\SQLEXPRESS -i unicode.sql

IdCust      FirstName                 Surname
----------- ------------------------- -------------------------
          4 Hans                      Grüßner

PowerShell Invoke-Sqlcmd: Renders incorrectly (whether output as text as shown below or piped into Out-Gridview):

PS> Invoke-Sqlcmd -Server .\sqlexpress -InputFile unicode.sql

IdCust FirstName           Surname
------ ---------           -------
     4 Hans                Gr??ner

The MSDN documentation for Invoke-Sqlcmd mentions Unicode only in passing, comparing its command-line switches with those of sqlcmd, showing that while the latter has a -u option for outputting Unicode (which was not even needed in my experiment above), Invoke-Sqlcmd has no equivalent parameter.

I have found nothing at all regarding this point through extensive web searching but I still hold out hope that this is in some way a user error on my part. Is there a way to preserve the input data when retrieving it with Invoke-Sqlcmd in PowerShell?

like image 538
Michael Sorens Avatar asked Aug 10 '12 16:08

Michael Sorens

People also ask

What does invoke-Sqlcmd function do in PowerShell?

This command uses Set-Location to navigate to the SQL Server Windows PowerShell provider path for an instance of the SQL Database Engine. Then it calls Get-Item to retrieve a SQL Management Object Server object for use as the ServerInstance parameter of Invoke-Sqlcmd.

Can you use Unicode in SQL?

SQL Server UNICODE() Function The UNICODE() function returns an integer value (the Unicode value), for the first character of the input expression.

Which module is invoke-Sqlcmd in?

The SQLServer module is the official SQL module developed by Microsoft. You can use the Invoke-SqlCmd cmdlet to query SQL using this module.

1 Answers

Update I tested invoke-sqlcmd on another machine and it works, so maybe the rest of this doesn't apply...

Update 2 Only seems to have issue with -inputfile when executing via -Query parameter invoke-sqlcmd works fine.

From what I can tell this has something to do with ADO.NET DataTable when converting a string. It works fine when you use an ExecuteScaler or ExecuteReader. Of course this doesn't fix invoke-sqlcmd, but does explain why:

$server = "$env:computername\sql1"
$database = "tempdb"
$query = @"
CREATE TABLE #customers

(     [SurName] nvarchar(25)
INSERT INTO #customers VALUES (N'Grüßner')
SELECT * FROM #customers;

$connection=new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
$connection.ConnectionString="Server={0};Database={1};Integrated Security=True" -f $server,$database
$command=new-object system.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query,$connection)

Update 3 The encoding of the file seems to be the key. Looking at [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText, the MSDN doc states it will only detect UTF-8 or UTF-32 encoding. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143369(v=vs.90).aspx

If I save the .sql file with UTF-8, using the -inputfile param works. You can choose UTF-8 when saving .sql file in SSMS, but here's some Powershell code to check and change the encoding also. You'll need to grab Get-FileEncoding.ps1 from http://poshcode.org/2075

. .\Get-FileEncoding.ps1 
Get-FileEncoding -Path E:\bin\unicode.sql

$query = get-content E:\bin\unicode.sql
$query= $query -join "`n"
$query | Out-File -FilePath e:\bin\unicode.sql -Encoding UTF8 -force

Get-FileEncoding -Path E:\bin\unicode.sql
like image 50
Chad Miller Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Chad Miller