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Unexplainable "root" uri in spring boot prometheus metrics

In our Prometheus metrics in our Spring Boot API, there is a very mysterious root "endpoint" that appears to be called sometimes. This looks like someone probing our API, but the endpoint does not exist. The really strange part is that I don't see how this "URI" can even be called, since it doesn't start with a forward slash (/) ? We also see this request in our pod logs, but not in our ingress-controller logs. Where could it come from? "root" - status 403

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kiwiidb Avatar asked Jun 07 '20 09:06


1 Answers

I ran into the same issue with a lot of head scratching. It turns out in my case, @Timing annotations were attached to all of my rest controllers which quietly overrode the default http metrics provided from actuator.

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AnthonyA Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10
