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Unescape or html decode in Twig (PHP Templating)




I'm using twig 1.12.2. My code generates some elements from code-behind, when rendering these with the latest version of twig they get html-encoded

{% for item in files_folders %} <tr class="{{ cycle(['tr_odd', 'tr_even'], loop.index) }}">     <td><img src="../templates/images/sharepoint/{{ item.ContentType }}.gif" border="0" alt=""/></td>     <td>{{ item.Link }}</td>     <td>{{ item.Modified }}</td>     <td>{{ item.FileSize }}</td>     <td>{{ item.FileType }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} 

This will output this

<tr class="tr_even">     <td><img src="../templates/images/sharepoint/Document.gif" border="0" alt=""/></td>     <td>&lt;a href=&#039;?download=/ddd.png&#039;&gt;ddd.png&lt;/a&gt;</td>     <td>2013-03-04 17:47:38</td>     <td>64.8 KB</td>     <td>png</td> </tr> <tr class="tr_odd">     <td><img src="../templates/images/sharepoint/Document.gif" border="0" alt=""/></td>     <td>&lt;a href=&#039;?download=/asdasd.png&#039;&gt;asdasd.png&lt;/a&gt;</td>     <td>2013-03-03 20:01:52</td>     <td>66.04 KB</td>     <td>png</td> </tr> 

When I debug and have a look at the data before it's sent to twig it is not escaped. I haven't found any alternative to {{ item.Link }} to render data as-is.


like image 387
Eric Herlitz Avatar asked Mar 16 '13 19:03

Eric Herlitz

2 Answers

You can use the raw filter to make twig render raw html


{% autoescape %}     {{ var|raw }} {# var won't be escaped #} {% endautoescape %} 
like image 115
romainberger Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09


You should be careful with using |raw. Saying that the data is safe, means you are trusting it 100%.

Personally I would suggest using a custom twig filter:

class CustomExtension extends \Twig_Extension  {     public function getFilters()     {         return array(             new \Twig_SimpleFilter('unescape', array($this, 'unescape')),         );     }      public function unescape($value)     {         return html_entity_decode($value);     } } 

Add the following to your services.yml (or alternatively translate into xml).

 services:      ha.twig.custom_extension:      class: HA\SiteBundle\Twig\CustomExtension      tags:          - { name: twig.extension } 
like image 35
Paul Danelli Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Paul Danelli