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Undo/Redo using Memento: Stack, Queue or just LinkedList?

What is the best having when implementing Memento pattern (for Undo/Redo)

in witch collection to Keep Mementos?

Basically, I need this(c = change, u = undo, r = redo):

            -1    0
      -2    -1    0
-3    -2    -1    0
      -2    -1    0    1
-3    -2    -1    0


  • LinkedList - possible in principle, maybe not optimized.
  • Queue - not adapted for this task, IMO.
  • Stack - not adapted for undo AND redo;
  • Double Stack - maybe optimal, but can't control the undo maximum size.
like image 729
serhio Avatar asked Nov 14 '22 12:11


1 Answers

Finally, I used LinkedList

Public Sub Add(ByVal item As T)
  If _list.Count > 0 Then
    If Me.IsFull Then
      ' we forgot (delete) the oldest state '
    End If
    ' remove all the following the current items objects '
    Dim lastNode As LinkedListNode(Of T) = _list.Last
    While Not Object.ReferenceEquals(_currentNode, lastNode)
      lastNode = _list.Last
    End While
  End If

  ' add the new item and point current to it '
  _currentNode = _list.AddLast(item)
End Sub
like image 68
serhio Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 01:12
