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Understanding type Parameters in Scala

I am trying to understand the type parameters in Scala. Let's look the following general example:

def func1[T](a : T) : T = a

I understand that func1 takes 1 parameter of any type, and returns that parameter of the very same type. What i don't understand is why:

def func1[T]

Why [T] right after function1?? We could simply write it without [T] after func1, like:

def func1(a : T) : T = a

1) What does that [T] means after func1 and why we put it there?

2) Why we do the same with classes?

class MyClass[T]{...}

I mean MyClass instantiations are of type MyClass. What does [T] means there? You don't say i have a boolean Class of type MyClass, you say i have an object of type MyClass right?

Thanks in advance.

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Spar Avatar asked Jan 27 '17 17:01


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Non-value types capture properties of identifiers that are not values. For example, a type constructor does not directly specify a type of values. However, when a type constructor is applied to the correct type arguments, it yields a first-order type, which may be a value type.

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Scala Type Hierarchy Any is the supertype of all types, also called the top type. It defines certain universal methods such as equals , hashCode , and toString . Any has two direct subclasses: AnyVal and AnyRef . AnyVal represents value types.

1 Answers

  1. What does [T] mean after func1, and why do we put it there?

The [T] in func[T] defines a type parameter T. Your function can be called like func[String]("Hello"), in which String is replaced with T. You can also call it like func("Hello") because the Scala compiler is smart enough to infer that T must be String.

So why do we have to write func[T] when we define it? We need the distinction between arguments of a type given by a type parameter, and arguments given by an actual type. If you write it this: def func1(a : T) : T = a, then T has to be an actual type. For example:

class T

def func1(a : T) : T = a  // <-- This compiles now
  1. Why do we do the same with classes?

You often want to contain an object of some type inside a class. If you define the type parameter at the class level, the type will remain the same throughout your class. Consider this example:

class Container[T](val t: T) {
    def isValueEqual(obj: T): Boolean = t.equals(obj)

Here, the T in obj: T is the same type as the T defined in Container[T]. Now consider this example:

class Container[T](val t: T) {
    def isValueEqual[T](obj: T): Boolean = t.equals(obj)

Notice that I defined a new type parameter at the method level as well (isValueEqual[T]). In this case, the T defined in the method will shadow the T defined on the class level. This means that they might not be the same type! You could call it like this:

val c = new Container("Hello")
println(c.isValueEqual(5)) // 5 is not of type String!
like image 175
marstran Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10
