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Understanding the Eclipse CDT projects



I want to commit my CDT project to SVN. I am a newbie regarding CDT, and I'd like to know the files describing the project.

The concerned files seem to be :

.project .settings (directory) .cproject .csettings (directory)

What are the purposes of .project and .settings ?

.project just include references to XML files stored in the .csettings directory. Some of my co-workers on other projects don't have this .csettings directory : everything is in the .cproject file. Are there some project properties which could make Eclipse delegates all the CDT settings in XLM files in the .csettings directory ?

And what about .csettings ?

Extra question : what is the .directory ?

like image 765
Oodini Avatar asked Feb 12 '10 12:02


People also ask

What is CDT project in Eclipse?

The CDT Project provides a fully functional C and C++ Integrated Development Environment based on the Eclipse platform.

What are projects in Eclipse?

About the Eclipse Project The Eclipse Project is an open source project of eclipse.org, overseen by a Project Management Committee (PMC) and project leaders. The work is done in subprojects working against Git repositories.

What is CDT project?

The CDT is Eclipse's C/C++ Development Tooling project. It is an industrial-strength C/C++ IDE that also serves as a platform for others to provide value-added tooling for C/C++ developers.

1 Answers

.project is where Eclipse starts whenever it opens up the project: it tells the workbench what plugins are needed.

.cproject contains the settings specific to the CDT: your project's choice of build configurations, toolchains, individual tools and so on.

.settings can be used by individual plug-ins to store their own project-level preferences.

I've never come across .csettings...

like image 188
crazyscot Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
