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Understanding Scala Blocks


I'm having difficulty finding specific answers to what I know is something trivial. I would like to understand how blocks work in Scala. I come from a java/ruby background and it seems that scala has an entirely different way of using blocks.

The following code is from the Play! Framework website. I would like to understand what Action is semantically. Is it an object or a function that accepts a block, or perhaps neither.

object Application extends Controller {    def index = Action {     Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))   }  } 

If it is a function, perhaps it's syntactic sugar for the following (in which case how does scala pass around blocks behind the scenes):

  def index = Action({     Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))   }) 

Or is it some scala syntax I'm unaware of.

Any references to Scala source code would help me understand how this is working behind the scenes.

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b1nd Avatar asked Sep 25 '13 14:09


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1 Answers

You would be better to think about scala blocks as java anonymous classes (e.g. like Guava Functions) rather than as ruby blocks. Actually speaking, if you decompile scala code you will see more or less the same code (taken from Guava examples):

Function<String, Integer> lengthFunction = new Function<String, Integer>() {   public Integer apply(String string) {     return string.length();   } }; 

The difference is that scala provides a lot of syntax sugar and allows you to write above code as:

val lengthFunction = { string: String => string.length } 

As for a specific Action example:

def index = Action({     Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))   }) 

Here Action is likely object with apply method. Another scala sugar: language allows you to write Foo(bar) and mean Foo.apply(bar). Next, you can drop round braces when your call isn't ambiguous, so yes, it is actually a method that got called like:

def index = Action({     Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready.")) }) 

And have something like this as a signature:

object Action {   def apply(block: => Result) = ??? } 

As already said by @yan, it is scala way to say hey, I'm a function that accept another function that produces Result

Desugared invocation will look like

def index = Action.apply(new AbstractFunction[Result] {         def apply() = Ok.apply(views.html.index.apply("...")) }) 
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om-nom-nom Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09
