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Understanding PIVOT function in T-SQL

I am very new to SQL.

I have a table like this:

ID | TeamID | UserID | ElementID | PhaseID | Effort ----------------------------------------------------- 1  |   1    |  1      |   3       |  5     |   6.74 2  |   1    |  1      |   3       |  6     |   8.25 3  |   1    |  1      |   4       |  1     |   2.23 4  |   1    |  1      |   4       |  5     |   6.8 5  |   1    |  1      |   4       |  6     |   1.5 

And I was told to get data like this

ElementID | PhaseID1 | PhaseID5 | PhaseID6 --------------------------------------------     3     |   NULL   |   6.74   |   8.25     4     |   2.23   |   6.8    |   1.5 

I understand I need to use PIVOT function. But can't understand it clearly. It would be great help if somebody can explain it in above case.(or any alternatives if any)

like image 266
Web-E Avatar asked May 03 '12 09:05


People also ask

What is PIVOT element in SQL?

The pivot column is the point around which the table will be rotated, and the pivot column values will be transposed into columns in the output table. The IN clause also allows you to specify an alias for each pivot value, making it easy to generate more meaningful column names.

What is PIVOT in SQL w3schools?

Description. The SQL Server (Transact-SQL) PIVOT clause allows you to write a cross-tabulation. This means that you can aggregate your results and rotate rows into columns.

1 Answers

A PIVOT used to rotate the data from one column into multiple columns.

For your example here is a STATIC Pivot meaning you hard code the columns that you want to rotate:

create table temp (   id int,   teamid int,   userid int,   elementid int,   phaseid int,   effort decimal(10, 5) )  insert into temp values (1,1,1,3,5,6.74) insert into temp values (2,1,1,3,6,8.25) insert into temp values (3,1,1,4,1,2.23) insert into temp values (4,1,1,4,5,6.8) insert into temp values (5,1,1,4,6,1.5)  select elementid   , [1] as phaseid1   , [5] as phaseid5   , [6] as phaseid6 from (   select elementid, phaseid, effort   from temp ) x pivot (   max(effort)   for phaseid in([1], [5], [6]) )p 

Here is a SQL Demo with a working version.

This can also be done through a dynamic PIVOT where you create the list of columns dynamically and perform the PIVOT.

DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX),     @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);  select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(c.phaseid)              FROM temp c             FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE             ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')          ,1,1,'')  set @query = 'SELECT elementid, ' + @cols + ' from              (                 select elementid, phaseid, effort                 from temp            ) x             pivot              (                  max(effort)                 for phaseid in (' + @cols + ')             ) p '   execute(@query) 

The results for both:

ELEMENTID   PHASEID1    PHASEID5    PHASEID6 3           Null        6.74        8.25 4           2.23        6.8         1.5 
like image 136
Taryn Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 03:10
