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Understanding output from recursive function

I am trying to run the function obtainingparams recursively for 5 times. However, currently the output from my program is as follows, and I am actually unable to understand why the line 32323232 in the while loop at the end of the code is not being printed out after every set of MATRIX,PARAMS,VALUES output.

MATRIX [[ 1.          7.53869055  7.10409234 -0.2867544 ]
 [ 1.          7.53869055  7.10409234 -0.2867544 ]
 [ 1.          7.53869055  7.10409234 -0.2867544 ]
 [ 1.          0.43010753  0.43010753  0.09642396]]
PARAMS [  5.12077446   8.89859946 -10.26880411  -9.58965259]
VALUES [(0.5, 1.5, 206.59958540866882, array([  5.12077446,   8.89859946, -10.26880411,  -9.58965259]))]
MATRIX [[ 1.          3.14775472  2.54122406 -0.43709966]
 [ 1.          3.14775472  2.54122406 -0.43709966]
 [ 1.          3.14775472  2.54122406 -0.43709966]
 [ 1.          0.25806447  0.25806428  0.07982733]]
PARAMS [ 4.90731466  4.41623398 -7.65250737 -6.01128351]
VALUES [(0.5, 1.5, 206.59958540866882, array([  5.12077446,   8.89859946, -10.26880411,  -9.58965259])), (0.7, 1.7, 206.46228694927203, array([ 4.90731466,  4.41623398, -7.65250737, -6.01128351]))]

And so on. df is a Dataframe.

values = []

def counted(fn):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        wrapper.called+= 1
        return fn(*args, **kwargs)
    wrapper.called= 0
    wrapper.__name__= fn.__name__
    return wrapper

def obtainingparams(self, df, tau_1, tau_2, residuals):
        global values
        no_of_bonds = df.shape[0]         
        yields = df['coupon'].values

        matrix_of_params = np.empty(shape=[1, 4])

        months_to_maturity_matrix = df.months_to_maturity.values

        count = 0
        for x, value in np.ndenumerate(months_to_maturity_matrix):
            if count < months_to_maturity_matrix.shape[0]:
                months_to_maturity_array = months_to_maturity_matrix[count]
                years_to_maturity_array = months_to_maturity_array/12
                newrow = [1, ((1-np.exp(-years_to_maturity_array/tau_1))/years_to_maturity_array/tau_1), ((1-np.exp(-years_to_maturity_array/tau_1))/years_to_maturity_array/tau_1)-np.exp(-years_to_maturity_array/tau_1), ((1-np.exp(-years_to_maturity_array/tau_2))/years_to_maturity_array/tau_2)-np.exp(-years_to_maturity_array/tau_2)] 
                count = count + 1
                matrix_of_params = np.vstack([matrix_of_params, newrow])

        matrix_of_params = np.delete(matrix_of_params, (0), axis=0)  
        print('MATRIX', matrix_of_params)

        params = np.linalg.lstsq(matrix_of_params,yields)[0] 
        print('PARAMS', params)
        residuals = np.sqrt(((yields - matrix_of_params.dot(params))**2).sum())  
        tau_1 = tau_1 + 0.2 
        tau_2 = tau_2 + 0.2

        values.append((tau_1, tau_2, residuals, params))
        print('VALUES', values)

        while self.obtainingparams(df, tau_1, tau_2, residuals).called < 5:
            self.obtainingparams(df, tau_1, tau_2, residuals)

Edit: Calling obtainingparams which is a function within the BondClass Class:

tau_1 = 0.3
tau_2 = 1.3
BOND_OBJECT = BondClass.GeneralBondClass(price, coupon, coupon_frequecy, face_value, monthstomaturity, issue_date) 
residuals = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
df1 = Exc.ExcelFileReader() #Read the Dataframe in from an Excel File
BOND_OBJECT.obtainingparams(df1, tau_1, tau_2, residuals)
like image 557
user131983 Avatar asked Jul 27 '15 15:07


1 Answers

The problem is that you never enter the while loop because in order to enter it you make the recursive call. So before the test on called can be evaluated you are already recursing. This code is not what you want:

while self.obtainingparams(df, tau_1, tau_2, residuals).called < 5:

It looks up called in the result of the function call rather than in the function itself. Just replace it with:

while self.obtainingparams.called < 5:

and you should be just about there.

like image 186
strubbly Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 00:10
