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Understanding inplace=True

People also ask

What does inplace true mean?

Using the inplace=True keyword in a pandas method changes the default behaviour such that the operation on the dataframe doesn't return anything, it instead 'modifies the underlying data' (more on that later). It mutates the actual object which you apply it to.

What does Dropna inplace true mean?

If you set inplace = True , the dropna method will modify your DataFrame directly. That means that if you set inplace = True , dropna will drop all missing values from your original dataset. It will overwrite your data, so be careful with it!

How do you use inplace true in Pandas?

When trying to make changes to a Pandas dataframe using a function, we use 'inplace=True' if we want to commit the changes to the dataframe. Therefore, the first line in the following code changes the name of the first column in 'df' to 'Grades'. We need to call the database if we want to see the resulting database.

What is Axis 1 and inplace true?

inplace=True means the operation would work on the original object. axis=1 means we are dropping the column, not the row.

When inplace=True is passed, the data is renamed in place (it returns nothing), so you'd use:


When inplace=False is passed (this is the default value, so isn't necessary), performs the operation and returns a copy of the object, so you'd use:

df = df.an_operation(inplace=False) 

In pandas, is inplace = True considered harmful, or not?

TLDR; Yes, yes it is.

  • inplace, contrary to what the name implies, often does not prevent copies from being created, and (almost) never offers any performance benefits
  • inplace does not work with method chaining
  • inplace can lead to SettingWithCopyWarning if used on a DataFrame column, and may prevent the operation from going though, leading to hard-to-debug errors in code

The pain points above are common pitfalls for beginners, so removing this option will simplify the API.

I don't advise setting this parameter as it serves little purpose. See this GitHub issue which proposes the inplace argument be deprecated api-wide.

It is a common misconception that using inplace=True will lead to more efficient or optimized code. In reality, there are absolutely no performance benefits to using inplace=True. Both the in-place and out-of-place versions create a copy of the data anyway, with the in-place version automatically assigning the copy back.

inplace=True is a common pitfall for beginners. For example, it can trigger the SettingWithCopyWarning:

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [3, 2, 1], 'b': ['x', 'y', 'z']})

df2 = df[df['a'] > 1]
df2['b'].replace({'x': 'abc'}, inplace=True)
# SettingWithCopyWarning: 
# A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

Calling a function on a DataFrame column with inplace=True may or may not work. This is especially true when chained indexing is involved.

As if the problems described above aren't enough, inplace=True also hinders method chaining. Contrast the working of

result = df.some_function1().reset_index().some_function2()

As opposed to

temp = df.some_function1()
result = temp.some_function2()

The former lends itself to better code organization and readability.

Another supporting claim is that the API for set_axis was recently changed such that inplace default value was switched from True to False. See GH27600. Great job devs!

The way I use it is

# Have to assign back to dataframe (because it is a new copy)
df = df.some_operation(inplace=False) 


# No need to assign back to dataframe (because it is on the same copy)


 if inplace is False
      Assign to a new variable;
      No need to assign

The inplace parameter:

df.dropna(axis='index', how='all', inplace=True)

in Pandas and in general means:

1. Pandas creates a copy of the original data

2. ... does some computation on it

3. ... assigns the results to the original data.

4. ... deletes the copy.

As you can read in the rest of my answer's further below, we still can have good reason to use this parameter i.e. the inplace operations, but we should avoid it if we can, as it generate more issues, as:

1. Your code will be harder to debug (Actually SettingwithCopyWarning stands for warning you to this possible problem)

2. Conflict with method chaining

So there is even case when we should use it yet?

Definitely yes. If we use pandas or any tool for handeling huge dataset, we can easily face the situation, where some big data can consume our entire memory. To avoid this unwanted effect we can use some technics like method chaining:

    wine.rename(columns={"color_intensity": "ci"})
    .assign(color_filter=lambda x: np.where((x.hue > 1) & (x.ci > 7), 1, 0))
    .query("alcohol > 14 and color_filter == 1")
    .sort_values("alcohol", ascending=False)
    .loc[:, ["alcohol", "ci", "hue"]]

which make our code more compact (though harder to interpret and debug too) and consumes less memory as the chained methods works with the other method's returned values, thus resulting in only one copy of the input data. We can see clearly, that we will have 2 x original data memory consumption after this operations.

Or we can use inplace parameter (though harder to interpret and debug too) our memory consumption will be 2 x original data, but our memory consumption after this operation remains 1 x original data, which if somebody whenever worked with huge datasets exactly knows can be a big benefit.

Final conclusion:

Avoid using inplace parameter unless you don't work with huge data and be aware of its possible issues in case of still using of it.

Save it to the same variable

data["column01"].where(data["column01"]< 5, inplace=True)

Save it to a separate variable

data["column02"] = data["column01"].where(data["column1"]< 5)

But, you can always overwrite the variable

data["column01"] = data["column01"].where(data["column1"]< 5)

FYI: In default inplace = False

When trying to make changes to a Pandas dataframe using a function, we use 'inplace=True' if we want to commit the changes to the dataframe. Therefore, the first line in the following code changes the name of the first column in 'df' to 'Grades'. We need to call the database if we want to see the resulting database.

df.rename(columns={0: 'Grades'}, inplace=True)

We use 'inplace=False' (this is also the default value) when we don't want to commit the changes but just print the resulting database. So, in effect a copy of the original database with the committed changes is printed without altering the original database.

Just to be more clear, the following codes do the same thing:

#Code 1
df.rename(columns={0: 'Grades'}, inplace=True)
#Code 2
df=df.rename(columns={0: 'Grades'}, inplace=False}