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Understanding inheritence and polymorphism in C++

Suppose we have following inherit classes.

class A
    void virtual show()
        cout << "I am A\n";

class B:public A
    void show()
        cout << "I am B\n";

class C:public B
    void show()
        cout << "I am C\n";

int main()
    A *obj = new C();

    return 0;

Without creating any other object, how can I call B class's show() function???

One way I know is to modify show() in class C to,

void show()
    cout << "I am c\n";

This will first call B's show function then it will print "I am C". But I don't want the show() in C to be executed at all. I want the B's show() to be executed directly.

Is it even possible? Can we do it using casting or something?

Remember I am not allowed to create any other object other then the one already created i.e. C in main(). I was asked this question at an interview today.


like image 249
Muzahir Hussain Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 18:03

Muzahir Hussain

1 Answers

You can force static dispatching by specify the class:

int main()
    A *obj = new C();

    return 0;

But if you want to use this method, you must be sure that the object is indeed a B instance, otherwise it's undefined behavior.

like image 67
llllllllll Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 00:03
