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Understanding goroutines

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When should you use Goroutines?

Goroutines are useful when you want to do multiple things simultaneously. For example, if you have ten things you want to do at the same time, you can do each one on a separate goroutine, and wait for all of them to finish.

What are Goroutines?

A goroutine is a lightweight execution thread in the Go programming language and a function that executes concurrently with the rest of the program. Goroutines are incredibly cheap when compared to traditional threads as the overhead of creating a goroutine is very low.

How do you control Goroutines?

You can't kill a goroutine from outside. You can signal a goroutine to stop using a channel, but there's no handle on goroutines to do any sort of meta management. Goroutines are intended to cooperatively solve problems, so killing one that is misbehaving would almost never be an adequate response.

Are Goroutines just threads?

Go is different, and a goroutine is not the same as a thread. Threads are much more expensive to create, use more memory and switching between threads takes longer. Goroutines are an abstraction over threads and a single Operating System thread can run many goroutines.

There are a few things to keep in mind about Go's goroutines:

  1. They are not threads in the sense of Java's or C++ threads
    • goroutines are more like greenlets
  2. The go runtime multiplexes the goroutines across the system threads
    • the number of system threads is controlled by an environment variable GOMAXPROCS and defaults to 1 currently I think. This may change in the future
  3. The way goroutines yield back to their current thread is controlled by several different constructs
    • the select statement can yield control back to the thread
    • sending on a channel can yield control back to the thread
    • doing IO operations can yield control back to the thread
    • runtime.Gosched() explicitly yields control back to the thread

The behavior you are seeing is because the main function never yields back to the thread and is instead involved in a busy loop and since there is only one thread the main loop has no place to run.

According to this and this, some calls can't invoke during a CPU-bound Goroutine (if the Goroutine never yields to the scheduler). This can cause other Goroutines to hang if they need to block the main thread (such is the case with the write() syscall used by fmt.Println())

The solution I found involved calling runtime.Gosched() in your cpu-bound thread to yield back to the scheduler, as follows:

package main

import (

var x = 1

func inc_x() {
  for {
    x += 1

func main() {
  go inc_x()
  for {

Because you're only performing one operation in the Goroutine, runtime.Gosched() is being called very often. Calling runtime.GOMAXPROCS(2) on init is faster by an order of magnitude, but would be very thread-unsafe if you were doing anything more complicated than incrementing a number (for example, dealing with arrays, structs, maps, etc).

In that case, best practice would potentially be using a channel to manage shared access to a resource.

Update: As of Go 1.2, any non-inlined function call can invoke the scheduler.

It's an interaction of two things. One, by default, Go only uses a single core, and two, Go must schedule goroutines cooperatively. Your function inc_x doesn't yield and so it monopolizes the single core being used. Relieving either of these conditions will lead to the output you expect.

Saying "core" is a bit of a gloss. Go may actually use multiple cores behind the scenes, but it uses a variable called GOMAXPROCS to determine the number of threads to schedule your goroutines which are performing non-system tasks. As explained in the FAQ and Effective Go the default is 1, but it may be set higher with an environment variable or a runtime function. This will likely give the output you expect, but only if your processor has multiple cores.

Independently of cores and GOMAXPROCS, you can give the goroutine scheduler in the runtime a chance to do it's job. The scheduler cannot preempt a running goroutine but must wait for it to come back to the runtime and request some service, such as IO, time.Sleep(), or runtime.Gosched(). Adding anything like this in inc_x produces expected output. The goroutine running main() is already requesting a service with fmt.Println, so with the two goroutines now periodically yielding to the runtime, it can do some sort of fair scheduling.

No sure, but I think that inc_x is hogging the CPU. Since there's no IO it doesn't release control.

I found two things that solved that. One was to call runtime.GOMAXPROCS(2) at the beginning of the program and then it'll work since now there are two threads serving goroutings. The other is to insert time.Sleep(1) after incrementing x.