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Understanding generators in Python

People also ask

How does Python implement generators?

When using generators and iterators, the interpreter simply stores the respective frame object somewhere else than on the Python program stack, and pushes it back there when execution of the generator resumes. This "somewhere else" is the generator object itself.

How important are generators in Python?

Generators have been an important part of Python ever since they were introduced with PEP 255. Generator functions allow you to declare a function that behaves like an iterator. They allow programmers to make an iterator in a fast, easy, and clean way.

What is difference between generator and function in Python?

A normal function will return a sequence of items, but before giving the result, it creates a sequence in memory and then gives us the result, whereas the generator function produces one output at a time.

How do you access the generator object in Python?

You need to call next() or loop through the generator object to access the values produced by the generator expression. When there isn't the next value in the generator object, a StopIteration exception is thrown. A for loop can be used to iterate the generator object.

Note: this post assumes Python 3.x syntax.

A generator is simply a function which returns an object on which you can call next, such that for every call it returns some value, until it raises a StopIteration exception, signaling that all values have been generated. Such an object is called an iterator.

Normal functions return a single value using return, just like in Java. In Python, however, there is an alternative, called yield. Using yield anywhere in a function makes it a generator. Observe this code:

>>> def myGen(n):
...     yield n
...     yield n + 1
>>> g = myGen(6)
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

As you can see, myGen(n) is a function which yields n and n + 1. Every call to next yields a single value, until all values have been yielded. for loops call next in the background, thus:

>>> for n in myGen(6):
...     print(n)

Likewise there are generator expressions, which provide a means to succinctly describe certain common types of generators:

>>> g = (n for n in range(3, 5))
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
>>> next(g)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Note that generator expressions are much like list comprehensions:

>>> lc = [n for n in range(3, 5)]
>>> lc
[3, 4]

Observe that a generator object is generated once, but its code is not run all at once. Only calls to next actually execute (part of) the code. Execution of the code in a generator stops once a yield statement has been reached, upon which it returns a value. The next call to next then causes execution to continue in the state in which the generator was left after the last yield. This is a fundamental difference with regular functions: those always start execution at the "top" and discard their state upon returning a value.

There are more things to be said about this subject. It is e.g. possible to send data back into a generator (reference). But that is something I suggest you do not look into until you understand the basic concept of a generator.

Now you may ask: why use generators? There are a couple of good reasons:

  • Certain concepts can be described much more succinctly using generators.
  • Instead of creating a function which returns a list of values, one can write a generator which generates the values on the fly. This means that no list needs to be constructed, meaning that the resulting code is more memory efficient. In this way one can even describe data streams which would simply be too large to fit in memory.
  • Generators allow for a natural way to describe infinite streams. Consider for example the Fibonacci numbers:

    >>> def fib():
    ...     a, b = 0, 1
    ...     while True:
    ...         yield a
    ...         a, b = b, a + b
    >>> import itertools
    >>> list(itertools.islice(fib(), 10))
    [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]

    This code uses itertools.islice to take a finite number of elements from an infinite stream. You are advised to have a good look at the functions in the itertools module, as they are essential tools for writing advanced generators with great ease.

  About Python <=2.6: in the above examples next is a function which calls the method __next__ on the given object. In Python <=2.6 one uses a slightly different technique, namely o.next() instead of next(o). Python 2.7 has next() call .next so you need not use the following in 2.7:

>>> g = (n for n in range(3, 5))
>>> g.next()

A generator is effectively a function that returns (data) before it is finished, but it pauses at that point, and you can resume the function at that point.

>>> def myGenerator():
...     yield 'These'
...     yield 'words'
...     yield 'come'
...     yield 'one'
...     yield 'at'
...     yield 'a'
...     yield 'time'

>>> myGeneratorInstance = myGenerator()
>>> next(myGeneratorInstance)
>>> next(myGeneratorInstance)

and so on. The (or one) benefit of generators is that because they deal with data one piece at a time, you can deal with large amounts of data; with lists, excessive memory requirements could become a problem. Generators, just like lists, are iterable, so they can be used in the same ways:

>>> for word in myGeneratorInstance:
...     print word

Note that generators provide another way to deal with infinity, for example

>>> from time import gmtime, strftime
>>> def myGen():
...     while True:
...         yield strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", gmtime())    
>>> myGeneratorInstance = myGen()
>>> next(myGeneratorInstance)
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 14:17:15 +0000
>>> next(myGeneratorInstance)
Thu, 28 Jun 2001 14:18:02 +0000   

The generator encapsulates an infinite loop, but this isn't a problem because you only get each answer every time you ask for it.

First of all, the term generator originally was somewhat ill-defined in Python, leading to lots of confusion. You probably mean iterators and iterables (see here). Then in Python there are also generator functions (which return a generator object), generator objects (which are iterators) and generator expressions (which are evaluated to a generator object).

According to the glossary entry for generator it seems that the official terminology is now that generator is short for "generator function". In the past the documentation defined the terms inconsistently, but fortunately this has been fixed.

It might still be a good idea to be precise and avoid the term "generator" without further specification.

Generators could be thought of as shorthand for creating an iterator. They behave like a Java Iterator. Example:

>>> g = (x for x in range(10))
>>> g
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x7fac1c1e6aa0>
>>> g.next()
>>> g.next()
>>> g.next()
>>> list(g)   # force iterating the rest
[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> g.next()  # iterator is at the end; calling next again will throw
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Hope this helps/is what you are looking for.


As many other answers are showing, there are different ways to create a generator. You can use the parentheses syntax as in my example above, or you can use yield. Another interesting feature is that generators can be "infinite" -- iterators that don't stop:

>>> def infinite_gen():
...     n = 0
...     while True:
...         yield n
...         n = n + 1
>>> g = infinite_gen()
>>> g.next()
>>> g.next()
>>> g.next()
>>> g.next()

There is no Java equivalent.

Here is a bit of a contrived example:

#! /usr/bin/python
def  mygen(n):
    x = 0
    while x < n:
        x = x + 1
        if x % 3 == 0:
            yield x

for a in mygen(100):
    print a

There is a loop in the generator that runs from 0 to n, and if the loop variable is a multiple of 3, it yields the variable.

During each iteration of the for loop the generator is executed. If it is the first time the generator executes, it starts at the beginning, otherwise it continues from the previous time it yielded.

I like to describe generators, to those with a decent background in programming languages and computing, in terms of stack frames.

In many languages, there is a stack on top of which is the current stack "frame". The stack frame includes space allocated for variables local to the function including the arguments passed in to that function.

When you call a function, the current point of execution (the "program counter" or equivalent) is pushed onto the stack, and a new stack frame is created. Execution then transfers to the beginning of the function being called.

With regular functions, at some point the function returns a value, and the stack is "popped". The function's stack frame is discarded and execution resumes at the previous location.

When a function is a generator, it can return a value without the stack frame being discarded, using the yield statement. The values of local variables and the program counter within the function are preserved. This allows the generator to be resumed at a later time, with execution continuing from the yield statement, and it can execute more code and return another value.

Before Python 2.5 this was all generators did. Python 2.5 added the ability to pass values back in to the generator as well. In doing so, the passed-in value is available as an expression resulting from the yield statement which had temporarily returned control (and a value) from the generator.

The key advantage to generators is that the "state" of the function is preserved, unlike with regular functions where each time the stack frame is discarded, you lose all that "state". A secondary advantage is that some of the function call overhead (creating and deleting stack frames) is avoided, though this is a usually a minor advantage.