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Understanding Dijkstra's Mozart programming style


I came across this article about programming styles, seen by Edsger Dijsktra. To quickly paraphrase, the main difference is Mozart, when the analogy is made to programming, fully understood (debatable) the problem before writing anything, while Beethoven made his decisions as he wrote the notes out on paper, creating many revisions along the way. With Mozart programming, version 1.0 would be the only version for software that should aim to work with no errors and maximum efficiency. Also, Dijkstra says software not at that level of refinement and stability should not be released to the public.

Based on his views, two questions. Is Mozart programming even possible? Would the software we write today really benefit if we adopted the Mozart style instead?

My thoughts. It seems, to address the increasing complexity of software, we've moved on from this method to things like agile development, public beta testing, and constant revisions, methods that define web development, where speed matters most. But when I think of all the revisions web software can go through, especially during maintenance, when often patches are applied over patches, to then be refined through a tedious refactoring process—the Mozart way seems very attractive. It would at least lessen those annoying software updates, e.g. Digsby, Windows, iTunes, etc., many the result of unforeseen vulnerabilities that require a new and immediate release.

Edit: Refer to the response below for a more accurate explanation of Dijsktra's views.

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hlfcoding Avatar asked Nov 15 '08 15:11


2 Answers

The Mozart programming style is a complete myth (everybody has to edit and modify their initial efforts), and although "Mozart" is essentially a metaphor in this example, it's worth noting that Mozart was substantially a myth himself.

Mozart was a supposed magical child prodigy who composed his first sonata at 4 (he was actually 6, and it sucked - you won't ever hear it performed anywhere). It's rarely mentioned, of course, that his father was considered Europe's greatest music teacher, and that he forced all of his children to practice playing and composition for hours each day as soon as they could pick up an instrument or a pen.

Mozart himself was careful to perpetuate the illusion that his music emerged whole from his mind by destroying most of his drafts, although enough survive to show that he was an editor like everyone else. Beethoven was just more honest about the process (maybe because he was deaf and couldn't tell if anyone was sneaking up on him anyway).

I won't even mention the theory that Mozart got his melodies from listening to songbirds. Or the fact that he created a system that used dice to randomly generate music (which is actually pretty cool, but might also explain how much of Mozart's music appeared to come from nowhere).

The moral of the story is: don't believe the hype. Programming is work, followed by more work to fix the mistakes you made the first time around, followed by more work to fix the mistakes you made the second time around, and so on and so forth until you die.

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MusiGenesis Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10


It doesn't scale.

I can figure out a line of code in my head, a routine, and even a small program. But a medium program? There are probably some guys that can do it, but how many, and how much do they cost? And should they really write the next payroll program? That's like wasting Mozart on muzak.

Now, try to imagine a team of Mozarts. Just for a few seconds.

Still it is a powerful instrument. If you can figure out a whole line in your head, do it. If you can figure out a small routine with all its funny cases, do it.

On the surface, it avoids going back to the drawing board because you didn't think of one edge case that requires a completely different interface altogether.

The deeper meaning (head fake?) can be explained by learning another human language. For a long time you thinking which words represent your thoughts, and how to order them into a valid sentence - that transcription costs a lot of foreground cycles.
One day you will notice the liberating feeling that you just talk. It may feel like "thinking in a foregin language", or as if "the words come naturally". You will sometimes stumble, looking for a particular word or idiom, but most of the time translation runs in the vast ressources of the "subconcious CPU".

The "high goal" is developing a mental model of the solution that is (mostly) independent of the implementation language, to separate solution of a problem from transcribing the problem. Transcription is easy, repetetive and easily trained, and abstract solutions can be reused.

I have no idea how this could be taught, but "figuring out as much as possible before you start to write it" sounds like good programming practice towards that goal.

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peterchen Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 06:10
