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Understanding Dagger 2 @Component.Builder annotation

I'm reading this great tutorial that explains how @Component.Builderworks in Dagger 2. The author did a good job and the article is straight forward, but there still are some confusing I need to clarify: the default implementation of Dagger 2 looks something like this:

The component:

@Component(modules = {AppModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {

  void inject(MainActivity mainActivity);
  SharedPreferences getSharedPrefs();

The module:

 public class AppModule {

    Application application;

    public AppModule(Application application) {
       this.application = application;

    Application providesApplication() {
       return application;
    public SharedPreferences providePreferences() {
        return application.getSharedPreferences(DATA_STORE,

Component instantiating:

DaggerAppComponent appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder()
         .appModule(new AppModule(this)) //this : application 

According to the article, we can simplify this code even more by avoiding passing arguments to the module constructor using @Component.Builder and @BindsInstance annotations, then the code will look like this:

The component:

@Component(modules = {AppModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {
   void inject(MainActivity mainActivity);
   SharedPreferences getSharedPrefs();

   interface Builder {
      AppComponent build();
      @BindsInstance Builder application(Application application);      


The module:

 public class AppModule {

     public SharedPreferences providePreferences(
                                    Application application) {
         return application.getSharedPreferences(
                                    "store", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

And the component instantiating:

DaggerAppComponent appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder()

I almost understand how the above code works, but here is the part I don't understand: how did we get from appModule(new AppModule(this)) to application(this) when we are instantiating the component?

I hope the question was clear and thanks.

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Toni Joe Avatar asked Sep 13 '17 12:09

Toni Joe

2 Answers

   interface Builder {
      AppComponent build();
      @BindsInstance Builder application(Application application);      

When we call the method

application(Application application)

from Application class


It will set our application object to the AppComponent. So inside the appcomponet the application instance is available.

So we can remove the below code from application module because dagger will automatically inject application instance wherever it required.

Application application;
   public AppModule(Application application) {
       this.application = application;

    Application providesApplication() {
       return application;

Also Dagger instantiate all modules with default constructor.

If you want a Context object from AppModule just write

public class AppModule {

    Context provideContext(Application application) {
        return application;
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Nidhin Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09


tl;dr Dagger will create any no-arg constructor models itself if you don't pass them in and usage of @BindsInstance might be better optimized than providing types from a module.

First you had a component that requires an Application to be constructed. So you construct the module and pass it to the component.

Now, with the component builder, you can just bind single objects to a component. This is an alternative to what we did above. There is no longer the need for a module and we can just directly hand Dagger the object that we want in our component.
As it is with @Binds to provide interface implemenetations, you can often assume that Dagger can and will optimize features like those better than the simple approach using a module, since the intention is more clearly marked.

So using the @BindsInstance will add the type to our component so that we no longer need the module to provide it. We can now also remove the parameter from the module constructor.

how did we get from appModule(new AppModule(this)) to application(this) when we are instantiating the component?

Since Dagger can instantiate no-args modules itself there is no longer the need to explicitly add the module to the component, and we can replace that line with the new .application(this) call.

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David Medenjak Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

David Medenjak