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Understanding Bootstrap's clearfix class

.clearfix {   *zoom: 1;   &:before,   &:after {     display: table;     content: "";     // Fixes Opera/contenteditable bug:     // http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/#comment-36952     line-height: 0;   }   &:after {     clear: both;   } } 
  1. Why not use display:block?
  2. In addition, why does it also apply to the ::before pseudoclass?
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Lanston Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 06:02


People also ask

What is Clearfix class in bootstrap?

Clearfix property clear all the floated content of the element that it is applied to. It is also used to clear floated content within a container. Example 2: With clearfix property. Without using the clearfix class, the parent div may not wrap around the children button elements properly and can cause a broken layout.

What does Clearfix class do?

The clearfix, for those unaware, is a CSS hack that solves a persistent bug that occurs when two floated elements are stacked next to each other. When elements are aligned this way, the parent container ends up with a height of 0, and it can easily wreak havoc on a layout.

What Clearfix methods do you know?

A clearfix is a way for an element to automatically clear or fix its elements so that it does not need to add additional markup. It is generally used in float layouts where elements are floated to be stacked horizontally.

Where do I apply Clearfix?

A clearfix is a way for an element to automatically clear its child elements, so that you don't need to add additional markup. It's generally used in float layouts where elements are floated to be stacked horizontally.

1 Answers

.clearfix is defined in less/mixins.less. Right above its definition is a comment with a link to this article:

A new micro clearfix hack

The article explains how it all works.

UPDATE: Yes, link-only answers are bad. I knew this even at the time that I posted this answer, but I didn't feel like copying and pasting was OK due to copyright, plagiarism, and what have you. However, I now feel like it's OK since I have linked to the original article. I should also mention the author's name, though, for credit: Nicolas Gallagher. Here is the meat of the article (note that "Thierry’s method" is referring to Thierry Koblentz’s “clearfix reloaded”):

This “micro clearfix” generates pseudo-elements and sets their display to table. This creates an anonymous table-cell and a new block formatting context that means the :before pseudo-element prevents top-margin collapse. The :after pseudo-element is used to clear the floats. As a result, there is no need to hide any generated content and the total amount of code needed is reduced.

Including the :before selector is not necessary to clear the floats, but it prevents top-margins from collapsing in modern browsers. This has two benefits:

  • It ensures visual consistency with other float containment techniques that create a new block formatting context, e.g., overflow:hidden

  • It ensures visual consistency with IE 6/7 when zoom:1 is applied.

N.B.: There are circumstances in which IE 6/7 will not contain the bottom margins of floats within a new block formatting context. Further details can be found here: Better float containment in IE using CSS expressions.

The use of content:" " (note the space in the content string) avoids an Opera bug that creates space around clearfixed elements if the contenteditable attribute is also present somewhere in the HTML. Thanks to Sergio Cerrutti for spotting this fix. An alternative fix is to use font:0/0 a.

Legacy Firefox

Firefox < 3.5 will benefit from using Thierry’s method with the addition of visibility:hidden to hide the inserted character. This is because legacy versions of Firefox need content:"." to avoid extra space appearing between the body and its first child element, in certain circumstances (e.g., jsfiddle.net/necolas/K538S/.)

Alternative float-containment methods that create a new block formatting context, such as applying overflow:hidden or display:inline-block to the container element, will also avoid this behaviour in legacy versions of Firefox.

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Adam Taylor Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Adam Taylor