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Underscore.js: how to chain custom functions


Using Underscore.js, I can write the following which returns 42:

_([42, 43]).chain()     .first()     .value() 

I have custom function, not part of Underscore.js called double():

function double(value) { return value * 2; }; 

I would like to be able to call this function in an Underscore chain, as if it was part of Underscore. I would like to write the following, which I'd like to return 84:

_([42, 43]).chain()     .first()     .double()     .value() 

This can't work since Underscore doesn't define double(). I could use tap() as in:

_([42, 43]).chain()     .first()     .tap(double)     .value() 

This is valid, but tap applies the function to its argument and returns the argument, not the result of the function. So it looks to me like I would need a sort of tap that returns the result of the function applied to its argument. Is there anything like this in Underscore.js? Am I missing something terribly obvious?

like image 452
avernet Avatar asked Oct 15 '10 19:10


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1 Answers

Not finding a tap that returns the value returns by the function is runs, I define one which I can take and add to _:

_.mixin({take: function(obj, interceptor) {     return interceptor(obj); }}); 

Then assuming I have:

function double(value) { return value * 2; }; 

I can write:

_([42, 43]).chain()     .first()             // 42     .take(double)        // Applies double to 42     .value()             // 84 

You can look at take as map on objects, instead of lists. Want to experiment with this? See this example on jsFiddle.

like image 154
avernet Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10
