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underscore.js filter an array of objects, based on another


I am trying to filter an array of objects, based on another. The common property id id. I am not sure filter + each is the best way to do it or map reduce. Anyway, below code doesn't work as out is empty list.

var aaa = [     {name: "AAA", id: 845},     {name: "BBB", id: 839},     {name: "CCC", id: 854} ]; var bbb = [     {id: 839},     {id: 854} ];  var out = _.filter(aaa, function(val){     return _.each(this, function(val2){         return val['id'] === val2['id']     }); }, bbb); 
like image 729
bsr Avatar asked Feb 27 '13 03:02


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2 Answers

Just create a "set" of the valid ids and use that "set" to do the filtering:

var aaa = [     {name: "AAA", id: 845},     {name: "BBB", id: 839},     {name: "CCC", id: 854} ]; var bbb = [     {id: 839},     {id: 854} ];  var ids = {}; _.each(bbb, function (bb) { ids[bb.id] = true; });  var out = _.filter(aaa, function (val) {     return ids[val.id]; }, bbb); 

Filling ids is fast, it's in n * amortized O(1), i.e O(n). Same holds for the filtering.

If you use each(…) in the inner loop, you will have O(n²). For bigger data sets this would become very slow. Also the additional nesting make the code more difficult to read/understand at first glance.

See that code snipped in action: http://jsfiddle.net/SMtX5/

like image 154
kay Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09


you can use _.find to filter:

_.filter(aaa, function(a){     return _.find(bbb, function(b){         return b.id === a.id;     }); }); 
like image 31
anhulife Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09
