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Underlining text when using CSS




I'm fairly new to CSS, so I want to ensure I'm implementing it correctly. I need to include an explanatory paragraph on a web page. I'd like it to look different, so I've included the following in the external CSS file:

div.usage { font-style: italic; margin-left... margin-right... ; }

and then included <div class="usage">Explanation</div> in the HTML file. This is working as expected.

My understanding is that when using CSS, content and layout are separated. How, then, would I underline some text in my explanation? My understanding is that I should avoid the following: <div class="usage">This is <u>very</u> important.</div>.

like image 716
SabreWolfy Avatar asked Jan 17 '12 10:01


1 Answers

You are right about separating content and layout, but in this case, I would wrap it in a tag. The <u/> tag is deprecated, though. What I would use, is something like this:

<div class="usage">This is <em>very</em> important.</div>


em { text-decoration:underline; }

The <em/> stands for emphasized text. The default is italic, so depending on your CSS reset, you may need to also reset font-syle to normal.

As an aside, it's usually a bad idea to underline text, as most people assume underlined text are links. I would make it bold instead, or maybe even give it a background color.

like image 195
Nix Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 12:10
