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Undefined reference to Destructor

I have written some code in c++ but when I try to compile, I get a very strange error that I should not have. Here is my code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "articles.h"
int main() {
  // Création des articles
  const Stylo s1 ("s1", "Stylo jade", "Watertruc", 500, "Noir");
  const Ramette r1 ("r1", "Ramette haute qualité", "Clairefont", 95, 80);
  // Création des lots (10 % de réduction)
  const Lot l1 ("l1", s1, 5, 10);
  cout << s1 << "\n" << r1 << "\n" << l1 << "\n";


#ifndef ARTICLES_H
#define ARTICLES_H
using namespace std;
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

class Article
    string getReference() const ;
    virtual string getDescriptif() const;
    virtual double getPU() const;
    string getMarque() const;
    virtual void Afficher(ostream&) const;

        string reference;

//ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Article& art);

class ArticleUnitaire : public Article {
      ArticleUnitaire(string, string, string, double);
      string getMarque() const;
      void setMarque(string&);
      double getPU() const;
      void setPU(double&);
      void setDescriptif(string&);
      string getDescriptif() const;
      virtual void Afficher(ostream&) const;

      string marque;
      double pu;
      string descriptif;

inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Article& art) {
  return os;

class Stylo : public ArticleUnitaire {
      Stylo(string, string, string, double, string);
      virtual void Afficher(ostream&) const;
      string getCouleur() const;
      string couleur;


class Ramette : public ArticleUnitaire {
      Ramette(string, string, string, double, int);
      virtual void Afficher(ostream&) const;
      int getGrammage() const;
      int grammage;

class Lot : public Article {
      Lot(string, Article, int, int);
      double getPU() const;
      string getDescriptif() const;
      string getMarque() const;
      int getNbArticles() const;
      void setNbArticles(int&);
      int getPourcentage() const;
      void setPourcentage(int&);
      Article getArticle() const;
      void setArticle(Article&);
      virtual void Afficher(ostream&) const;

      int nb;
      int pourcentage;
      Article art;

#endif // ARTICLES_H


using namespace std;
#include <typeinfo>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "articles.h"

/*   Article   */

Article::Article(string ref) : reference(ref) {};

string Article::getReference() const {
  return reference;

string Article::getMarque() const {
  return "Sans marque";

void Article::Afficher(ostream& os) const {
  os << " : reference = " << getReference() << " ; descriptif = " << getDescriptif() << " ; marque = " << getMarque() << " ; PU = " << getPU();

Article::~Article() {};

/*   Article Unitaire   */

ArticleUnitaire::ArticleUnitaire(string r) : Article(r) {};

ArticleUnitaire::ArticleUnitaire(string r, string d, string m, double p) : Article(r), marque(m), descriptif(d), pu(p) {};

string ArticleUnitaire::getMarque() const {
  return marque;

void ArticleUnitaire::setMarque(string& m) {
  marque = m;

double ArticleUnitaire::getPU() const {
  return pu;

void ArticleUnitaire::setPU(double& p) {
  pu = p;

void ArticleUnitaire::setDescriptif(string& d) {
  descriptif = d;

string ArticleUnitaire::getDescriptif() const {
  return descriptif;

ArticleUnitaire::~ArticleUnitaire() {};

/*   Stylo    */

Stylo::Stylo(string r, string d, string m, double p, string c) : ArticleUnitaire(r,d,m,p), couleur(c) {};

string Stylo::getCouleur() const {
  return couleur;
void Stylo::Afficher(ostream& os) const {
  os << " ; couleur = " << getCouleur();

Stylo::~Stylo() {};

/*   Ramette   */  
Ramette::Ramette(string r, string d, string m, double p, int g) : ArticleUnitaire(r,d,m,p), grammage(g) {};

int Ramette::getGrammage() const {
  return grammage;

void Ramette::Afficher(ostream& os) const {
  os << " ; grammage = " << getGrammage();

Ramette::~Ramette() {};

/*   Lot   */

Lot::Lot(string r, Article a, int n, int p) : Article(r), art(a), nb(n), pourcentage(p) {};

double Lot::getPU() const {
  return nb * art.getPU() * (100 - pourcentage) / 100;

string Lot::getDescriptif() const {
  stringstream sstm;
  sstm << "Lot de" << nb << " *" << art.getDescriptif() << "* ";
  return sstm.str();

string Lot::getMarque() const {
  return art.getMarque();

int Lot::getNbArticles() const {
  return nb;

void Lot::setNbArticles(int& nbArticles) {
  nb = nbArticles;

int Lot::getPourcentage() const {
  return pourcentage;

void Lot::setPourcentage(int& p) {
  pourcentage = p;

Article Lot::getArticle() const {
  return art;

void Lot::setArticle(Article& a) {
  art = a;

void Lot::Afficher(ostream& os) const {
  os << " ;reduction = " << getPourcentage() << " ; compose de " << getNbArticles() << " [" << art << " ]";

Lot::~Lot() {};

when I compile:

g++ -Wall testArticles.cc
/tmp/ccwWjTWv.o: In function `main':
testArticles.cc:(.text+0xe8): undefined reference to `Stylo::Stylo(std::string, std::string, std::string, double, std::string)'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x218): undefined reference to `Ramette::Ramette(std::string, std::string, std::string, double, int)'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x2da): undefined reference to `Lot::Lot(std::string, Article, int, int)'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x307): undefined reference to `Article::~Article()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x36f): undefined reference to `Lot::~Lot()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x37b): undefined reference to `Ramette::~Ramette()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x387): undefined reference to `Stylo::~Stylo()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x3b4): undefined reference to `Stylo::~Stylo()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x3e8): undefined reference to `Stylo::~Stylo()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x41c): undefined reference to `Stylo::~Stylo()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x450): undefined reference to `Stylo::~Stylo()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x48c): undefined reference to `Ramette::~Ramette()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x4c0): undefined reference to `Ramette::~Ramette()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x4f4): undefined reference to `Ramette::~Ramette()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x533): undefined reference to `Lot::~Lot()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x556): undefined reference to `Article::~Article()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x56a): undefined reference to `Lot::~Lot()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x57e): undefined reference to `Lot::~Lot()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x58f): undefined reference to `Ramette::~Ramette()'
testArticles.cc:(.text+0x5a0): undefined reference to `Stylo::~Stylo()'
/tmp/ccwWjTWv.o: In function `Article::Article(Article const&)':
testArticles.cc:(.text._ZN7ArticleC2ERKS_[_ZN7ArticleC5ERKS_]+0x17): undefined reference to `vtable for Article'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I went online on every possible website, and everybody says the same thing: it looks like I messed up the #include(s). But I have been very carefull, I am sure that it is about something stupid and minor, but it's been 6 hours and I am starting to give up. It is very weird.

like image 211
André Hincu Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 12:12

André Hincu

1 Answers

You need to make sure you compile all of your .cc files together. So do g++ -Wall articles.cc testArticles.cc, or whatever your files are actually called. This will compile each file into a .o (object) file and link them together for you. You can do this in multiple steps if you want:

g++ -Wall -c articles.cc
g++ -Wall -c testArticles.cc
g++ articles.o testArticles.o
like image 164
Joseph Mansfield Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 00:01

Joseph Mansfield