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Uncheck a checkbox using CSS





For those not familiar, the checked attribute for a checkbox will accept any input as a sign to check the box. in fact, it doesnt need any text. so all these will check the box

<input type="checkbox" checked />
<input type="checkbox" checked="false">
<input type="checkbox" checked="">
<input type="checkbox" checked="0">

all those WILL check the box.

My problem is i am being handed a checked box, and need to uncheck it. I cant just change its value - that still makes it checked. i need to nuke it from orbit. This is incredibly easy to do with javascript or jQuery, but the site does not allow any of that in my CSS.

I read a list of about 100 attributes and how to reset them - auto, normal, 0, inherit, et cetera, but 'checked' was not on the list, and i tried all of those and anything i could think of, and this checkmark wont die.

like image 954
user3725005 Avatar asked Jun 10 '14 07:06


2 Answers

The simple answer is NO, CSS cannot help you uncheck the checkbox..


You can use CSS to detect whether the input element is checked or not by using :checked and :not(:checked) ..

Test Case : Demo


        <input type="checkbox" checked />
        <label for="">Checked</label>
        <input type="checkbox">
        <label for="">Unchecked</label>
        <input type="checkbox" checked>
        <label for="">Checked Again</label>


input:checked + label {
    color: green;

input:not(:checked) + label {
    color: red;
like image 190
Mr. Alien Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 18:11

Mr. Alien

CSS is not for dom manipulation, its for dom styling and arrangements, You can not set dom attributes from css but you can check for css conditions and set styles. :)

like image 42
Laxmikant Dange Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 18:11

Laxmikant Dange