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"uncaught throw :warden" when testing redirects for users not logged in

This is a spec for a very typical controller with a before_filter which redirects to login page when a not-logged-in user (a.k.a. a guest) tries to access /projects/new.

describe ProjectsController do

  describe "GET new" do
    context 'when not logged in' do
      before { sign_in_nobody }

      context 'creating project' do
        before { get :new }

        it 'denies access' do
          expect(response).to be_redirect

I have specced all possible outcomes of accessing :index, :show and :new for guests, users, admins and superadmins. I didn't have any problems using neither logged or guest users, admins or not – but this is actually the first time this spec touched an action that involves Devise's before_filter :autheticate_user! and it fails miserably at that.

As you might already suspect – the spec doesn't even reach expect(response).to be_redirect, it throws a hissy fit before:


1) ProjectsController GET new when not logged in creating project denies access
   Failure/Error: get :new
     uncaught throw :warden
   # ./spec/controllers/projects_controller_spec.rb:344:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'

I've searched for an answer to question: "how to properly test for unauthenticated (guest) users with rspec and devise", but everyone only talks about having problem with actually logging users in devise for RSpec to use. A problem which I solved thusly:

include Devise::TestHelpers

def sign_in_nobody
  @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
  sign_in User.new

def sign_in_user
  @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
  sign_in FactoryGirl.create(:user)

However it's not the logging in that fails here, it's the "being not logged". So far I got absolutely nothing and I know people HAVE to test those scenarios somehow.

Right now I'm using a walkaround:

before { sign_in_nobody }

context 'creating project' do
  it 'denies access' do
    expect{ get :new }.to raise_exception("uncaught throw :warden")

But even tho it's practically correct (uncaught throw :warden happens only when authenticate_user! fails so it can be used as an expectation) in theory it feels really dirty.

Any ideas how to do it properly?

(...Maybe I shouldn't be testing this at all, seeing as how the correctness of before_filter authenticate_user! is Devise's responsibility not mine?)

like image 733
ellmo Avatar asked Oct 28 '13 01:10


2 Answers

It should just work. I just spent a while fixing the same problem, and it turned out we had a test helper that overrides process for controller tests. Devise also overrides it to catch :warden so I just needed to include Devise::TestHelpers before including the default params module.

For an example of what I'm talking about when I say we overrode process, see this answer which describes how to set default params to include format: json

like image 191
Sammy Larbi Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10

Sammy Larbi

So the lesson is that uncaught throw :warden happens when authenticate_user! fails.

So figure out why your the user's authentication is a failing, and you'll have solved your problem.

like image 25
Pieter van der Merwe Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 21:10

Pieter van der Merwe