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Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')' in underscore when looping throught template

I have a problem when using underscore in Backbone application. In console I have

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')'

And it referer me to the underscore library :

underscore.js:line 1443

What I whant to do is select template by id

  var UserList = Backbone.View.extend({
               el: '.page',
               render: function(){
                   var self = this;
                   var users = new Users();
                          var template = _.template($('#user_list_template').html(), users);

Here is my script template

<script type="text/template" id="user_list_template">

            <table class="table striped">
                <% _.each(users,function(user)){ %>
                        <td><%= user.name %></td>
                        <td><%= user.age %></td>
                <% }); %>


And as I found, the problem is in this line:

   var template = _.template($('#user_list_template').html(), users);

Could you help me please to find what is the problem?

like image 875
volodymyr3131 Avatar asked Feb 10 '23 07:02


1 Answers

<% _.each(users,function(user)){ %> this line has an extra ) before the { in your template.

like image 165
GillesC Avatar answered Feb 12 '23 21:02
