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Uncaught (in promise) cancel using SweetAlert2

how do I properly escape the cancel button without throwing an error when using promises? My code throws an alert confirmation with a required checkbox. the code executes as it should to the user, but it throws an error in the console window:

Uncaught (in promise) cancel

//validation logic all passes...Now proceed to...


//determine and parse Discounts

 var myLookup = document.getElementsByName("myLookup")[0].value;
$.post( "findthem.php", {myLookup: myLookup })
     var theResponse1 = $.parseJSON(json_data);
     myDiscountRate = theResponse1['ourDiscountFound'];

    }).then( function(callback){

    priceRate = priceRate * (1 - (.01 * myDiscountRate));
    newRate = priceRate.toFixed(2);

  title: "Confirm",
  input: 'checkbox',
  inputValue: 0,
  type: "warning",
  inputPlaceholder: 'I agree to <a href="#blahblahMore"></a> Your new Rate is :'+newRate,
  showCancelButton: true,
  confirmButtonText: 'Confirm',
  showLoaderOnConfirm: true,
  preConfirm: function(result) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      if (result) {
        $.post("my.php", {
          Data: data
          function(json_data) {
            var data_array = $.parseJSON(json_data);
            var moreDetails = '';
            var resulting = 'error';
            var details = "Transaction Declined"
            if (data_array["trxApproved"] == true) {
              resulting = 'success';
              details = "Confirmed"
              moreDetails = "<br>Approved<b>" + data_array["approved"] + "</b>" +
                "<br>Details Code: <b>" + data_array["detailsCode"] + "</b>";
              type: resulting,
              title: details,
              html: "<h1>Details: </h1>" + data_array["messagetext"] + moreDetails
      } else {
          reject('You must agree to our Terms & Conditions ');
  allowOutsideClick: false
  }).then(function(json_data) {

like image 394
Frankenmint Avatar asked Sep 04 '16 21:09


4 Answers

Update (Jan 2017): This issue has been fixed in v7: v7 upgrade guide ↗

You need to add a rejection handler to the Promise. Alternatively, you can use .catch(swal.noop) as a quick way to simply suppress the errors:


PS. the package you're using is called SweetAlert2, not SweetAlert. In future questions please mention it so you can get more relevant answers.

like image 84
Limon Monte Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 23:11

Limon Monte

SweetAlert2 rejects the result promise when the cancel button is pressed. You can handle that:

}).then(function(json_data) {
}, function(dismiss) {
  if (dismiss === 'cancel') { // you might also handle 'close' or 'timer' if you used those
    // ignore
  } else {
    throw dismiss;

If you don't need to do anything with the json_data, you might also use the catch method.

like image 32
Bergi Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 22:11


new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { is not necessary. $.post() returns a jQuery promise object.

Possible solution substitutes Promise.reject() for new Promise() constructor; removed .then() that was placed as an option to first swal() call; pattern appears to expect a Promise to be returned from preConfirm, though not certain what value is expected to be returned from .done() other than json_data.

  title: "Confirm",
  input: 'checkbox',
  inputValue: 0,
  type: "warning",
  inputPlaceholder: 'I agree to <a href="#blahblahMore"></a>',
  showCancelButton: true,
  confirmButtonText: 'Confirm',
  showLoaderOnConfirm: true,
  preConfirm: function(result) {
      if (result) {
        return $.post("my.php", {
          Data: data
          function(json_data) {
            var data_array = $.parseJSON(json_data);
            var moreDetails = '';
            var resulting = 'error';
            var details = "Transaction Declined"
            if (data_array["trxApproved"] == true) {
              resulting = 'success';
              details = "Confirmed"
              moreDetails = "<br>Approved<b>" + data_array["approved"] + "</b>" +
                "<br>Details Code: <b>" + data_array["detailsCode"] + "</b>";
              type: resulting,
              title: details,
              html: "<h1>Details: </h1>" + data_array["messagetext"] + moreDetails
      } else {
          return Promise.reject('You must agree to our Terms & Conditions ');
  allowOutsideClick: false
like image 4
guest271314 Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 22:11


you will need to catch the action for cancel

  title: 'Are you sure?',
  text: "You won't be able to revert this!",
  type: 'warning',
  showCancelButton: true,
  confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6',
  cancelButtonColor: '#d33',
  confirmButtonText: 'Yes, delete it!'
}).then(function(json_data) {
  //delete item
}, function(dismiss) {
  if (dismiss === 'cancel' || dismiss === 'close') {
    // ignore
like image 4
Adeojo Emmanuel IMM Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 23:11

Adeojo Emmanuel IMM