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Unbuffered StreamReader


Is there a way to keep StreamReader from doing any buffering?

I'm trying to handle output from a Process that may be either binary or text. The output will look like an HTTP Response, e.g.

Content-type: application/whatever
Another-header: value

text or binary data here

What I want to do is to parse the headers using a StreamReader, and then either read from its BaseStream or the StreamReader to handle the rest of the content. Here's basically what I started with:

private static readonly Regex HttpHeader = new Regex("([^:]+): *(.*)");
private void HandleOutput(StreamReader reader)
  var headers = new NameValueCollection();
  string line;
  while((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
    Match header = HttpHeader.Match(line);
      headers.Add(header.Groups[1].Value, header.Groups[2].Value);

This seems to trash binary data. So I changed the last line to something like this:

if(headers["Content-type"] != "text/html")
  // reader.BaseStream.Position is not at the same place that reader
  // makes it looks like it is.
  // i.e. reader.Read() != reader.BaseStream.Read()

... but StreamReader buffers its input, so reader.BaseStream is in the wrong position. Is there a way to unbuffer StreamReader? Or can I tell StreamReader to reset the stream back to where StreamReader is?

like image 492
Matt Burke Avatar asked Feb 06 '09 15:02

Matt Burke

People also ask

What is the use of StreamReader?

StreamReader is designed for character input in a particular encoding, whereas the Stream class is designed for byte input and output. Use StreamReader for reading lines of information from a standard text file. This type implements the IDisposable interface.

What is StreamReader class in C#?

C# StreamReader is used to read characters to a stream in a specified encoding. StreamReader. Read method reads the next character or next set of characters from the input stream. StreamReader is inherited from TextReader that provides methods to read a character, block, line, or all content.

1 Answers

This answer is late and possibly no longer relevant to you but it may come in handy for someone else who stumbles across this problem.

My problem involved PPM files, which have a similar format of:

  • ASCII text in the beginning
  • Binary bytes for the rest of the file

The problem I ran into was that the StreamReader class is incapable of reading stuff one byte at a time without buffering stuff. This caused unexpected results in some cases, since the Read() method reads a single character, not a single byte.

My solution was to write a wrapper around a stream that would read bytes one at a time. The wrapper has 2 important methods, ReadLine() and Read().

These 2 methods allow me to read the ASCII lines of a stream, unbuffered, and then read a single byte at a time for the rest of the stream. You may need to make some adjustments to suit your needs.

class UnbufferedStreamReader: TextReader
    Stream s;

    public UnbufferedStreamReader(string path)
        s = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);

    public UnbufferedStreamReader(Stream stream)
        s = stream;

    // This method assumes lines end with a line feed.
    // You may need to modify this method if your stream
    // follows the Windows convention of \r\n or some other 
    // convention that isn't just \n
    public override string ReadLine()
        List<byte> bytes = new List<byte>();
        int current;
        while ((current = Read()) != -1 && current != (int)'\n')
            byte b = (byte)current;
        return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes.ToArray());

    // Read works differently than the `Read()` method of a 
    // TextReader. It reads the next BYTE rather than the next character
    public override int Read()
        return s.ReadByte();

    public override void Close()
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

    public override int Peek()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override int ReadBlock(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override string ReadToEnd()
        throw new NotImplementedException();
like image 113
Dan Herbert Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10

Dan Herbert