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Unblock a Blocked Winsock accept() Call



I am using Winsock under VS 2008.

I have a thread dedicated to accepting incoming TCP connection requests via a blocking call to accept(). When the time comes for my app to shut down, I need to somehow unblock this thread so it can perform its shutdown work and exit. Is there a way I may unblock accept()?

I will post another question in case there is no way to unblock accept(). That question is: If I perform a hard kill of the thread that is blocked on accept(), will anything bad happen (corruption of OS data structures, etc.)?

Thanks, Dave

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Dave Avatar asked Jan 03 '12 17:01


1 Answers

One way to unblock a blocking accept() is to close the listening socket from another thread. Otherwise, you can put the listening socket into non-blocking mode and use select() (which does support a timeout) to detect when accept() can be called without blocking.

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Remy Lebeau Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09

Remy Lebeau