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Unable to use both Swift and Obj-C libs with Cocoapods

I have just started a new Swift project and I would like to use different libraries. In particular, I would like to use Realm.io, an Obj-C library. But, I would also like to use pure Swift libraries such as Alamofire or Dollar.

I use Cocoapods for managing my dependencies. I use the latest version (0.37.0) and the new use_frameworks! flag. pod install is successful anytime.

Unfortunately, when I try to build my project I get two errors (for my main target):

  • Umbrella header Realm.h not found from module.modulemap
  • Could not build Objective-C module Realm from any file using import Realm

Other imports work fine.

I have noticed the following: if I remove pure Swift libs and use_frameworks, everything works fine. I am aware about this current issue from Cocoapods. However, it should not be a problem for Realm asks developers to use that flag.

Here is my Podfile:

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'rothrock' do
  pod 'Realm'
  pod 'Cent'
  pod 'SwiftyJSON'
  pod 'Alamofire'

target 'rothrockTests', :exclusive => true do

I use no bridging header. Should I?

Any idea or workaround?

like image 462
Adrien Cadet Avatar asked Apr 27 '15 20:04

Adrien Cadet

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1 Answers

Alright, here is the full walkthrough:

  1. Install dependencies using Cocoapods and the use_frameworks! flag.
  2. As you need to use a Objective-C dependency, create a Bridging header. You can create one easily by importing an Objective-C class to your Swift project, than remove it (the wizard should ask you if need a bridging header). Otherwise, create a new header file. Then, navigate to your target configuration and enter the name of your file in Swift Compiler - Code Generation > Objective-C Bridging header.
  3. Still in your target configuration, add a new entry in Search Paths > User Header Search Paths: Pods as value and flag it as recursive.
  4. Remove any import instruction from your code, relative to your Objective-C library.
  5. Build your project. You should have a success.
like image 186
Adrien Cadet Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Adrien Cadet