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Unable to start XAMPP Apache server on MacOS-Sierra

Whenever I'm trying to start my Apache server from XAMPP on my Macbook (MacOS-Sierra) . I'm getting following application log :

Starting Apache Web Server...
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/apache2/scripts/ctl.sh : httpd started

And status remains Stopped. I re-install XAMPP and restarted my laptop multiple times, but I'm still having same issue. Couldn't find anything help to resolve this issue.

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Ravi Avatar asked Jun 17 '16 18:06


People also ask

Why Apache server is not starting in XAMPP on Mac?

This is because in Mac OS X there is already Apache pre-installed. So what you can do is to change the listening port of one of the Apaches, either the Apache that you installed with XAMPP or the pre-installed one. To change the listening port for XAMPP's Apache, go to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc and edit httpd.

Why I Cannot start my Apache in XAMPP?

The most common cause for the XAMPP Apache server not starting issue is because the default port no 80 may already be in use by another program like Skype, Teamviewer etc.

How do I start XAMPP on Mac?

To start XAMPP simply open XAMPP Control and start Apache, MySQL and ProFTPD. The name of the XAMPP Control is "manager-osx".

Why my XAMPP localhost is not working?

Run XAMPP (=> Apache) under an another port: Rename all ports with 80 to 8080 in your httpd. conf file. Your using Windows: Use notpad or editor with Ctrl+H to replace "80".

Why is Apache not starting on XAMPP?

So let me explain how to fix apache not starting on XAMPP? Usually, it’s because the World Wide Publishing Service is running on port 80 on your computer, which also happens to be the default TCP/IP port that Apaches uses on XAMPP, and two applications can’t use an equivalent networking port.

How to install XAMPP on Mac?

How to install XAMPP on Mac: 1 Download the correct version of XAMPP 2 Run the installer with the default options 3 Launch XAMPP 4 Start the services More ...

How do I start XAMPP with launchd?

To have launchd start XAMPP’s Apache server as a service we need to create a launchd configuration file. This configuration file has a .plist extension, a format familiar to many Mac OS X users. launchd configuration files can be placed in one of three folders determining when and for whom the service will start.

How to change TCP/IP port for Apache in XAMPP?

if you have an application that depends on World Wide Web Services and you can remove the WWWS service then you need to change TCP/IP Port. So Apache will run on different Ports. Step1: Open XAMPP Control Panel click the Config button. Step2: Select the Apache (httpd.conf) option and Scroll down and find the line: Listen 80.

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3 Answers

Another related issue, which I faced caused Apache sever failure. And failure logs is :

[Sun Jul 30 12:43:58.747822 2017] [unique_id:alert] [pid 9188] (EAI 8)nodename nor servname provided, or not known: AH01564: 
unable to find IPv4 address of "MacBook-Pro.local" AH00016: Configuration Failed

To solve this :

  1. Executed following command

    sudo -e /etc/hosts
  2. Then, changed following entries    localhost
    ::1    localhost

    to    localhost MacBook-Pro.local
    ::1    localhost MacBook-Pro.local
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Ravi Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10


I had the same Problem and fixed it by deleting the lib folder in Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/ and installing XAMPP again. It's probably due to old lib files from previous versions not being updated properly.

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Alexander Maslew Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10

Alexander Maslew

Simply goto your terminal and type:

sudo apachectl stop 

It'll ask for password. Enter your system password.

Go back to XAMPP control panel and start Apache. It should get started now.

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Kunal Kumar Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10

Kunal Kumar